Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Flimsy and OMG

I love it when I meet my One Monthly Goal - I love it even more when I exceed it.  Happy Dance.  
Okay my One Monthly Goal was to make the remaining 2 pinwheel blocks for my Black and White Pinwheel Quilt. 

Then make 80 sashing units out of HST (half square triangles) 
Ta-done.  But instead of letting it go there and work on something else, I kept going. On somewhat of a mission to get all these UFO's and half started things done.  I know I still need to quilt all these but just getting them to flimsy stage is a relief. 
I had some issues with cutting of blocks being wrong you can read about that in my last blog post or click  Here
Despite the hurdles I worked and just kept putting row by row together on the diagonal.  I had 3 rows and the sashing rows to put on yesterday along with borders but was able to finish it up. 

I was having a hard time getting a picture that showed the it real well.  I have it draped on our king bed. 
And then here it is on the guest bed where it will be when it's done.  I actually like it turned side ways.  I fits the way I want it to and will still be long enough on the sides when I'm done quilting it. 
Well I definitely met my OMG and so at he end of the month I will be linking it up, over at Elm Street Quilts. 

Now to figure out the next UFO I want to tackle.  
Today I have some household things to do and my Sister and Brother in law are coming over for dinner.  I'm going to make roasted Chicken and Vegetables and not sure what else.  
Have a blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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