Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sweet Adellie

What a week - this week had a little of a lot of things. The really big news that has got to take the top of the list,  we have a new great granddaughter.   Adela Rose 
She was born on the 11th.  So sweet and precious our these little babies. 
This is #4 for our Granddaughter and husband and on this baby they decided not to find out the gender until she was born.  So SHE was a surprise, then it took them a day to name her.   Her big Sister who is 2 today was named Adriana, but some reason, she ended up getting the nickname of Nellie.  They are thinking that this one will be nicknamed Adellie or simply Ellie.  :)  Regardless of what she is called.  She will be loved  - A lot!
Haven't gotten an updated picture of the four children together - here is a collage of Carter the oldest holding Ben, then Nellie on the right and Adela on the left. 
Nellie and Adela

Look at how alert she is. 
Since they live in Texas, most all my pictures come from Snapchat.  I love that we have an avenue to keep up with their daily life since we can't be there in person. I take screen shots of the pictures and videos. 
Well I could go on and on - Grandchildren are such a blessing. 
Welcome sweet Adela we do love you so much already!

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