Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jan into February

Well how did I do on my goals?  Here we go....

January Goals

On to a new month and new goals

1. Continue to blog more.   Goal Met! 

2. Mystery Monday is resuming for January so I will say complete whatever that is.  Yes I did.  It was a cell phone holder.  

3. Dolls in a Bag - I originally was making my dolls in a bag for the February quilt show. Well I've sold almost all I made, so I need to replenish them.  I want to have 10-12 dolls ready for the Quilt Show Boutique so I want to have them done by end of this month.  Also I am having trouble getting the same baby dolls so I will need to adjust the clothing a little to accommodate the new dolls.  They have to be done by end of month so this is my big focus for the month.  

Update - I need to have them ready and delivered by Feb 11 if I want to sell them.  
So I have 12 bags done with quilt, pillow and blanket.  I have 2 large dolls, 3 small dolls, 2 small baby doll and 1 large baby doll that have clothes and are ready to go.  I still need to make need to make clothes for 3 of the tiny dolls and 1 of the large dolls.  I also have a large baby doll that is ordered that is the 12th bag and needs clothes but it doesn't have a due date.  
I wanted to have them all done by the end of the month so I didn't meet that goal but I will still meet my deadline.  

Tiny Doll

Large Doll
Tiny Doll

 4. Quilt 2 of the 5 quilts I have already sandwiched.  I'm thinking these two but reserve the right to change my mind on which ones. 
 I have a poinsettia quilt design I want to use on this. 

Goal -  Almost Met - Does that count?  I Started the quilting on this one and then I had to put my machine in the shop.  I was able to continue sewing on the other machine to be able to do the doll stuff for the week and half that I didn't have my machine but I can't free motion on it.  I'll take some cheese with my whine please.  :)
I just need to finish the outside borders and I'll be done.  
Next was the Vintage Kitchen.   Goal met - just need to finish the binding. 

5.  Continue on Woodsy Quilt - Start next Bear.  I will be doing a mirror image of the bear so I went and got my pattern reversed so I can start tracing the fusible.  I will be adjusting the borders and the trees to be able to put the two bears together.  Anyway goal is to get a good start on tracing the 2nd bear onto fusible.  Also - I want to make progress on UFO's each month.  This will be a busy month so this will double as UFO progress.   

Goal Met!  I have 3 of the 5 pages of pieces traced. I would have liked more but I wanted to continue and that's what I did.  

6.  In my efforts to not let gifts and holidays gang up on me, I want to work on or finish one gift/holiday item each month.  This month I will finish these Ornament Wall hangings. 

Goal Met.  I finished them. 

7.  New - I really don't need to be starting new things, I have plenty of UFO's that need to be finished.  However as we all know not starting something new doesn't work for quilters either. :)  I have so many patterns and kits that I want to make - so I'm going to try to do my new stuff - but controlled. 
This month I am going to start a quilt for our grandson Caleb.  His Birthday is in March so I want to get it done by then. I have a couple of train patterns  that I want to incorporate along with some train material and a panel that I'm using on the back. I am also going to do some trains from my friends Accu Go Cutter. I don't need to finish just start. 

Goal Met - we got 4 sets of trains cut out with fusible on the back.  Now I just need to figure out how I want to put it together.  
This may be an Idea of how to do it.  Using the panel above in the center, then place the trains around the outside.  

8.   Guild Projects and Charity Projects - I need to keep going on guild projects so I am ahead of them.  I have an arm chair pincushion that I want to make for February or March project.  I need to get that started, and the instructions started.  No picture yet - Sorry.  :)

Goal Met!  I not only started it I finished it.   Needs a few threads clipped but it's ready to go.  


 Bonus Points - 

If I can get what I want to get done above - I will work on more gifts and UFO's. All people quilts is doing their UFO busting again so I will use their random number to pick which UFO I work on.  If I do this long enough maybe I can get some of these off the list.  :) 

Well don't know if bonus point count when you don't get your other goals met - but I did get bonus work done.  The random number was #2 and that meant Folk Art Gathering.  

This is where I started.  I posted along the way, however here is the progress I made through out the month. 
I stitched around the rest of the letters

As I stated in my blog post Here  the last block in the row above is not a crow it is a house. This is the house block.  It's not shown in this picture, but it also has letters and numbers stitched on it.  

I stitched the heart on and then the letters and numbers. 

Stitched the letters and numbers.

Made the flying geese.

And as I posted in my last post - I stitched these over the last week.  They will go into the circled area. 

So I still have a lot to go on this UFO - but I'm happy that I made some progress on it.  
Since all of my UFO's are big ones,  I am going to list 6 UFO's listing each one twice.  That way instead of making a little progress on 12 quilts - hope to make big progress on 6 quilts.  Or even better - finish some.  

Okay on to February

1.  Make labels and attach to the two quilts I'm entering into the quilt show, then deliver by 2/3. 

2. Finish the clothes for the doll  in the doll bags.  Due 2/11.

3.  Price all the items I want to sell in the Quilt Show Boutique and make my inventory sheet for them (and me).   Due 2/11. 
          Dolls in the Bag
          Little Purses
          Lined Gift Bags. 
Quilts - 

4.  Scavenger Block for SNR Guild.  February Items are  Basket, Shamrock and Turtle.   I have some Ideas already. 

5.  Quilt one item.  I'm thinking Beehive Baby.  I also need to finish the poinsettia quilt from last month so I'm only listing one this month.  

6.  Continue on with Woodsy Quilt Bears.   I want to finish the tracing and at least start fusing to the appropriate colors of fabric. 

7.  UFO Busting. I will work on the UFO that is picked by the random number.  TBA  As I stated above I am only going to list 6 UFO's and then list them twice. Goal to make some progress.
Here are my choices
#1 and 6    Porch Time

#2 and 7    Folk Art Gathering - I can't find one whole picture. 

#3 and 9    Henrietta Whiskers

#4 and 10  Christmas Quilt

#5 and 11  My Favorite Things

#6 and 12  Wool Crazy and Wool Ark Crazy 

The pictures above are pictures that come from the patterns.  I however am doing most of them in my own colors and fabric choices. 

8.   Power sewing - :)  -  I have a retreat on the 18th thru the 21st.  I want to take a couple more of my UFO's and see if I can knock them down.  I really should just take one thing and just see if I can get that one thing done, but I'll pack several and see what I come up with.  Here's what I think I'll take, but reserve the right to change my mind.  Goal is to make good progress on what I take. 
Snowman Collector - I have 8 or 10 blocks fused, and about 4-6 top stitched.  This is my second oldest UFO.  I know that because it was one of Two of my very first BOM's.  Which means I probably started this in 2010.  So it would be very nice to get this done.  :)  The other older UFO is a quilt as you go that I should have been done with then.  Ha! 

Twas the Night Before Christmas - I'm almost done with all the embroidery blocks so I can start assembling the setting blocks.  This is an image of the quilt as it was offered by Kaaren Johnson of The Painted Quilt Blog.     
I however I did it in colors. 

Savannah Flair  -  I have the animals cut out and fused but need to top stitch.  I only have a couple of the masks fused, and again I need to top stitch. 
I'm sure that is plenty to take.  

9.  I want to work on and finish or be close to finishing the train quilt for our grandson Caleb.  He will be 6 at the beginning of March, it would be nice if I could have that done for his Birthday.  I may end up taking it to the retreat.  

10.  Make up instructions for Arm Chair pincushion.  Due by 2/23.  

11.  Continue to Blog more a min of 8 times per month. 

12.  Gifts - I want to applique on the Tea Towels I got so I'll say at least get started on them.  It's a short month and I've already piled a lot on.   

I think that is plenty for the month.  I'll have to see what comes up on the UFO Buster #, It would be funny if the 2nd number I assigned to Folk Art Gathering came up.  That would make me think I needed to get it done.  Oh and of course finishing these projects also means I have more quilting to do.  Maybe all my UFO's will then be quilting projects.  LOL

We're going to take our walk and then do our monthly grocery shopping.  I thought for a little bit that I might be able to finish another of the goals from January - but I'm not sure how much sewing time I will have today so not holding out to finish the few goals I didn't quite make.  

All in all I got a lot done and I'm pleased with my progress. 
Have a Blessed Day -   Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...