Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Ringy Dingy

One Ringy Dingy - Two Ringy Dingy!  I'm totally dating myself here but do any of you remember Lily Tomlin playing an Operator.

Image result for Image of lily tomlin as an operator

Here is one of her skits for your viewing pleasure.

Okay enough of that,  I got that thought because of the project we made for Mystery Monday.  we made little cell phone cases.  We got enough material to make 3 of them but have only made 2 so far.

It has two pockets in it so you could put a couple other items in there if you just wanted to grab a couple of things and go with out hauling your purse around.  I don't know about others but my purse seems to get more heavy each time I use it.  :)  

Then today I worked on my Ornament wall hangings.
Here's how they were when I started the other night

I finished the the blanket stitch around them all and the embroidery for the tree limbs last night. 
Today - I got the metallic hanger on. 

Then I sewed the decorative button on the top of the ornaments, made hanging sleeves for each one and then sewed the binding on.   

So I'm sure that while I'm sitting with hubby tonight I'll be working on that binding.  And as fun at that will be - it will be double fun to know that I will be able to check a couple things of of my January goal list.
Hope you're having a wonderful day doing what you want to do.

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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