Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sewing and Not

Been a busy few days, sewing and not.   I haven't been able to sew each day.  Life gets in the way - imagine that.  But on the days I wasn't sewing - (Thursday, Sunday and Monday) I did get to spend time with my honey so that was great.  We went out to lunch a couple of times. Drove to Kingman which is about 45 mins to an hour away.  Went visiting to a couple of friends of ours. and played a little at the casino one after noon after our lunch out.  All in all fun times.

Sew what's been going on in the sewing room you ask?

Here is the finished house block to the UFO Folk Art Gatherings I've been working on. I will probably put a button on the door for the knob once it it quilted.

I did prep one more applique/embroidery block and started it but I'm not going to be able to do much more until I do those pesky flying geese.  I have an open sew day on Saturday I might take those to work on and get them out of the way.  
Since the dogs have now trained me - that after dinner is lap time in the chair and won't settle for sitting there by themselves - I have succumbed to having to do some hand work each night after dinner.  Oh I'm so upset about that can you tell.  :) 
The only problem is I get covered in hair which is easily fixed with a lint brush and this is the position they like so I sit for hours with them crammed between my legs.  I have to move them from time to time and cross my legs or bend them and then they curl back up and nuzzle in.  Nice to be loved.  

So for a couple days in the absence of having other hand stitching to do I picked up another of my old UFO's.  "Twas the Night before Christmas"  which is a free pattern from Kaaren  over at "The Painted Quilt"   

I have all but one of the stitchery's done and the Santa that I'm working on now.  Picking it up again and seeing how close I am to finishing kinda spurred me to keep going on it.  So I think I'll set that as one of my goals here in the near future.  

Next I got my January Scavenger hunt block planned and prepped.  I got some good inspiration from my Sister who wants to play along even though she lives in a different state and isn't part of the guild.  This months items are:  Your Middle Initial - Baseball - and a Quarter (25 cent piece)  

Here is the sketch I came up with:   Middle Initial is "A"

and here is the fabric I am putting it on.  

I was going to do part applique and part embroidery - That's why I chose the green fabric. But now that I'm working on it, I think It's going to be all embroidery at this point. We'll see!  Here's what I have so far.  I stitched the quarter with one strand of floss. 

Then one of my days, I concentrated on doing all the cutting for the bags, quilts, blankets and pillows for my doll bags.  That was really helpful, it allowed me to sit down and just sew.  I now have 2 more complete dolls and bags.  These are the larger ones that are dolls, not baby dolls. They are Dora Ballerina Dolls. 

This is the skirt she came with and the top is painted on. The others are the ones I made.  One is flannel and could be a nightie, the other is just a dress.
And - here are the other two bags I got done yesterday after open sew. They just need the little dolls in there - but I need to make the clothes first. 

The only other thing I have done so far is to keep working on tracing the fusible for the other bear.  Since my main machine was in the shop it was a great thing for me to work on. 

I did get my machine back yesterday and it's working well.  He cleaned it and got it so I can use my Reverse again - however the button was broken and he's looking for an actual button, he does have a lever on it right now so I can at least use it.  

Well That's it for now.  I'm going to go sew and see what I can finish up.  I still need finish the doll bags,  do some quilting (me and my big plan of 2 items a month ha ha)  and work on next months guild project. 
So Off I go - 
Have a very Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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