Monday, January 11, 2016

Ornaments, Dolls and Trains

It's so easy to let a few days sneak by.  Okay where did I leave off... I had to go check, that's the problem with waiting to post then I loose where I'm at.  :)

I showed you that I got the binding on the ornaments on Tuesday morning.
Well with a little TV time on Tuesday night and Wednesday I was able to finish the hand stitching of the binding.  A goal done and a gift ready.  Yay!

Then because I was out of  hand stitching material for evenings (that's really a lie - I have tons) I had to pick which item I wanted to work on.  Well I figured this would be a good opportunity for me to work on the UFO buster goal of the month which ended up being "Folk Art Gathering". 
Here is the before status picture:  

I don't know if you can see it in the picture above so I'll point out a couple of things.  The crow on the left and the pineapple have letters stitched on them.  And the basket is basted but not stitched - well it's started but not done. 
Okay now for what I've done so far this month.  Added the lettering and a number to the flower. 

Next I finished the basket, and added the heart and then stitched the letters and more numbers. 

There will be a crow overlay on the bottom right side when it's put together so that's why the numbers are up a little on the right side.  
Next I worked on the letters that weren't finished.  I am whip stitching around the wool applique. Here is where it was when I started.  The "R" of Art. 

It went a lot faster than I thought it would and in no time at all I was done with all the lettering.  
Took a close up picture with the needle in the last "G". 

So with that done I figured I needed to get the next block ready. 
It's the block that will go on the far right of that row.  It's not a crow as it appears in the above picture that crow will be the over lay - it's a house.  I got it traced, cut out, wool windows fused on and started stitching the house.  By the time I ended last night, I was stitching the windows. 

What else have I been working on?  Well on Friday I had my normal sewing day at the cottage.  My friend Vickie has an Accu Go Cutter and so she helped me cut out Trains for a quilt I'm making for our grandson Caleb.  His favorite colors are Blue and Orange.  Here is one of 4 sets of the train we cut out. 
On the back of the cutter package they had a pattern suggestion on how to make the trains into a quilt. 

I have a panel that would work for the center - so I may make it similar to the above suggestion.   Here's the panel. 

To help keep it in the right color scheme, I'm thinking of cutting off the little red border - then I can add some blues and oranges, possibly in the piano key border like above. Then put the trains we cut out on a light grey background to tie it into the panel.  I have some other construction - train fabric that I originally bought to go with this.

  I could put the strips I cut off of the front with it for the back or use it in a whole different quilt.  We'll see how it goes.  

Along with that I got another order for a Baby Doll in a bag, she needs it by Tuesday night.  So I've been working on that - and continuing on with the other Dolls in a bag for the Quilt show Boutique. 
I have 4 bags completed.  Here is the one for the order: 

And here are the other 3 I have completed for the boutique. 

Now when I first started working with these little dolls above - I was concerned because they are so tiny.  The bodies are only about 2 1/2" long.  But I have to say- the clothes and tiny dresses are so easy.   I have 2 more of the tiny ones to make bags and clothes for and then I have some larger dolls.  

Along with my sewing projects, this is my first month as Vice President/Project Coordinator of the Stitch N Rippits guild, so I have been working to get BOM's and Project instructions ready.  We have come up a Scavenger Hunt this year in lieu of a BOM.  I think this is going to be so much fun.  Each month I will give them 3 words and they have to incorporate those 3 things into a quilt block each month.  We are going to have drawings each month you have a block you get an entry for one drawing and then if you complete your quilt you get entered into a different drawing. We think it sounds fun, hopefully our guild members will too. 

Well that's it for me for now.  
We're going to go visit a friend of my husbands that is in town for a couple of weeks and then do some grocery shopping?  And another friend just called and needs help with her computer so I'll stop by there on the way. 
Have a Blessed day.

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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