Saturday, January 30, 2016

Stitching Pennies

I'm excited to to say that in all the business I have had this past week - there have been a lot of things going on and quite a few things getting accomplished.  I hate when I let things go this long because then I have to back track and figure out where I left off.  Someday - I'll just blog every day and I won't have to do that.  Operative word - "Someday"  and then the crowd laughs, ha ha ha!
Okay the last time I blogged, was the day before our guild meeting for CRQ (Colorado River Quilters).  I invited my crafty neighbor friend Bev and she totally enjoyed it and will be coming from now on.  Yay!  After the meeting I went over to her house for a little and we talked over a few crafty things that each of us wanted to do and then I came home and finished a couple more of the doll bags.  So now I just have clothes left and they'll all be done.

Friday 21st  I traced on Freezer paper some of the images for the applique on my UFO I'm working on this month.  Folk Art Gathering.  I originally wanted to trace all the wonky flying geese but my friend Vickie thought it would be easier to do them with paper piecing - so I came home and printed them off on foundation paper - ready to work on tomorrow.

Saturday the 22nd was the Open Sew Potluck day at the quilt shop.  It took me all day - but I was able to get all 14 of the wonky Flying Geese for this one section of Folk Art that I'm working on.

Sunday the 24th we did our morning walk and then I started on a pincushion I want to do for the February workshop for the SNR Guild.  (Stitch N Rippits)  

Monday the 25th we took our walk and then knowing it was going to be a busy week, I got in and got all of the house work done.  Bathrooms, sweeping mopping, dusting - you name it.  :)  I am working at the shop all day Tuesday and Wednesday until noon and then we are leaving for California on Thursday morning so I spent the rest of Monday afternoon getting some hand stitching projects ready for the trip. And after all the cleaning I also finished the Armchair Pincushion. There is even storage under the cushion.

Tuesday 26th - Very long day.  I worked at the shop from 8:30 - 5:15 then I grabbed a quick hamburger with my hubby and then headed to the cottage to teach the January workshop for SNR. 
This is the project.  I've posted it before - because I have to have them done so far in advanced - but here it is again the Calendar Holder. 

Everyone that came seemed to like it and a couple people got very close to finishing.  I'm sure there will be some at the next Show and Tell so I'll try and get some pictures to post of the ones that finished.  I left there at 9:15 to come home.  Whew - Good Day but Long day!  
Wednesday 26th - I worked at the shop until about 11:30 and by the time we caught up and I was on my way home it was just a little after noon.  Once I got home I finished packing up a few things for the trip and worked on quilting my small quilt Vintage Kitchen.  I got it quilted and the binding on, I just need to do the hand stitching of the binding.  

And in the evenings of this week I have continued to work on my Scavanger hunt block for January for the SNR guild.   Here is how much I got done before we left on the trip. 

It just does not photograph well. 

Thursday we got up got ready grabbed the doggies and got on the road - heading to So. California to see one of my husbands brothers.  They were going to golf and I was going to visit quilt shops.  We headed out from here about 6am and got there 11 am our time 10 am their time.  :)  So we grabbed some breakfast and then they met up for golf.  I got the doggies settled and then headed out to see a couple quilt shops.  I went to   Bev's Quilting Cabin  When I pulled up there didn't appear to be window's and no sign on the door and I almost drove away - but I opened the door and thought what the heck.  Well it was 2 rooms about 12 x 12 each.  One was a class room and one had notions on 2 of the walls.  She didn't have much fabric she said that she specialized in classes and retreats.  Hmmmm So I looked around and found some of the colored Tea towels I wanted and a pattern that I need like I need a hole in - well you know.  But I ended up spending close to an hour there and talking with her - very nice.  When they found out we were in town visited family - she and some ladies there invited me to come back and do a sit n sew next time I was in town.  And they invited me to their retreat they do in Big Bear.  Not that I will take them up on it, but I felt so comfortable with them I could have.  sat down and started stitching right then.  :) 
From there I went a little farther east to The Quilt Cupboard   They are actually really big and had a lot of fabric and patterns and a little of everything.  I found some different tea towels there and a pattern and a couple of fat quarters.  I also found some wool there but they didn't have the colors I wanted.  I inquired about getting different colors and she said she did, however they do no online or phone order sales.  Bummer.   It's worth a stop though if you are in the area, very nice shop.  Here is what I netted from both shops.  The small check and sewing machine pattern are from Bev's, and the Large check and hexie pattern is from The Quilt Cupboard. 

After I was done there I headed back to my BIL house.  I grabbed a coke and sat out on the back patio, propped my feet up brought the dogs bed out beside me and I listened to my book on tape and stitched in the sunshine.  It was awesome.  
The guys picked up burgers on the way home and so ew munched and watched some TV.  What a great day.  
Friday the 29th.  After the guys headed out to golf I grabbed an address for a couple more quilt shops in a different direction.  I headed 9 miles out and found the shop had been closed.  :(  I called and they said they were strickly on-line now.   Well I decided I better call the next one too.  Yup they were on-line as well.  It would be nice if it told you that when you looked them up on line.  They both had physical addresses and both had hours of operation.  Weird!   So I grabbed a sandwich and headed home.  Again I brought the dog bed out to the back patio in the sunshine. Got my book on tape - propped up my feet and stitched away.  Here's what the two days of stitching netted me.  
I finished the big basket block it needs a circle and a heart yet.   Then on Thursday I did the other basket, the heart and started on the first layer of penny's. 
I finished the rest of what is done on the penny blocks.  I have wool that needs to be the 3rd layer of the penny blocks.  They need to be cut out and fused on then I can stitch around them.  It's pictured above, however these blocks go in the circled sections in the picture.  

Today we got up said our good byes and headed home.  It's been a busy week, and a fun week and a relaxing week all in one.  
There's only one more day of the month don't know how much more of my goals I can accomplish but I guess I'll be back tomorrow night or Monday morning  to let you know what goals were met, and what goals are set for next month.  
Have a Blessed Day

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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