Sunday, January 3, 2016

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie

Well is everyone getting settled into the new year yet?  It just seems like another day or days.  :)

Okay to catch up on the last couple of days -
On Friday after a nap - I finished the stitchery for the pillow I'm making for a friends birthday.  And did a little more sewing on the doll bags I started on Tuesday.

Yesterday - I went to "Strip Club" at the local quilt shop.  I intended to finish quilting the pattern "Poinsettia" from last month, but that didn't happen,  I took it anyway and showed what I had quilted so far.  The pictures were taken before I buried the threads.  I got all for squares done and part of the sashing.  I need to do the inner border and then the outer border and it will be done.  :)

Here is a picture of the quilt pattern she had for this month.  I just love the colors.  It was made using a special ruler that I actually have this time, Yeah!  But the pattern shows how to use a regular 12x12 ruler if you don't have one.  I don't need another project, but I may do this one down the road.  

Then after I got home - I finished the pillow.  I made the pillow form with muslin and polyfil and then I made the pillow cover that can be taken off and washed if needed. 

She is a cat lover, and loves lavender so I think she'll really like this. 

Then after I finished that I got back to work on the little doll stuff.  I finished the fish bag and made a little quilt to go with it.  I didn't have anymore of the fish fabric so I couldn't make my regular quilt I make for the bags, so I picked out colors that matched the fish and made this one.  

I'm having trouble getting the little baby dolls I normally use for my doll bags.  My Sister got me some little dolls - actually tiny dolls.  :)  and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to make little clothes for them.  But I wanted to at least give it a try.   I took off the little dress it had on which is the blue one and viola -  I was able to make a "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie"  dress - the one in pink.  
Which now gives me some ideas for how to make a dress for some larger dolls I got.  Hmmm good things can come from small packages after all.  :)  

Okay well that's all I got done yesterday before grocery shopping and dinner.  

Today I want continue with the doll bags and make more little dresses and nighties.  
And Tomorrow is Mystery Monday - We haven't had it for a couple of months so I'm looking forward to it.  I'll have to let you know what Mystery we have tomorrow. 

Hope you're having a great day. 
Blessings - Lynn 

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