Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Henrietta Whiskers

This month's UFO per the random number at APQ is "Henrietta Whiskers"  So as the month went by and time went on I only had one day of working on it.  Par for my UFO course.  Hence why the UFO's don't get done.  

Here is my earlier post of my beginning status. 

Well I have been working on it for the last couple of days and I did get a couple of blocks done.  Whew!  

Here is my Block 5.

Well I'm hand piecing this quilt and I finally remembered to take some pictures along the way so here are a couple of them. Can you picture what is wrong with this?  :)  

I've sewn this right side to wrong side.  Fun fun fun.  I had to take out and redo.

After sewing the side on, next I made my square in a square blocks.  

Then I sewed them together and sewed onto the top.   

And then I fused my wool applique on it.  

The last part was to put their collars on, and do the top stitching.   

And since there is only a couple days left in the month I'm thinking this may be as far as I get on this UFO this month.  Guess you'll have to wait for my month end goal post to see. 
Blessings - Lynn 

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