Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November Finishes - December Goals

November Goals

Let's see How I did this Month.  

1.  SNR Guild Scavenger Hunt blocks:  I got them assembled into a flimsy yesterday so goal will be to sandwich it and start quilting.    Goal Met Posted here! 

Some Close ups of the quilting.  

2.  SNR Guild Projects - Need to quilt the samples.  Minimum Goal - Quilt 2.  Goal Met! 

Flower Pot Sample

Here's how it looks from the back.

Quilt the Snowflake Sample

Here's how it looks from the back.

3.  SNR - Make the Summer and Fall Project Samples.  Goal Met!

And I actually got this one quilted and the binding on - just need to do the hand stitching on it. Can you see my palm trees quilted around the border? 

4.  Gifts - Little Wallets, Pot Holders, Ornaments, and Pin Cushions. Goal Met!

5.  SNR - Christmas Party Gift.  Make something - I'm thinking of one of the scrap bag pincushions - Goal Met Gift Done.    
I want to include a couple other items with it I just need to make up my mind on what they will be.  

6.  UFO  # 9    Henrietta Whiskers.   You can see my Beginning Status here.     Goal is to Make Progress.  As always wish it was more, guess I need to be more demanding of my goals on these UFO's but other commitments would need to slow down first.  So for now, I did make progress so - Goal Met!   

Block 5  - Done

Block 6 - Done.  

As a reminder this UFO is Hand Pieced and Hand Appliqued.  

7.   Military Charity Quilt - Finish the backing and Sandwich.  Goal Met.  

It took way longer than I thought and several pin wounds.  😢 but yes it is done and sandwiched.   Now to start quilting this beast.  

Yay!!   I met every goal this month.  Nice!  

 Since I had such a productive month I continued on -  to the Bonus Section. I know I've done bonus Items before but not sure when - if ever I've actually gotten all my goals done for a legitimate Bonus points - so I will celebrate.  

Bonus #1.  Univ. of Oregon Duck - Throw Quilt, for a family friend, using fleece and cotton.  
Fleece Side -  

Cotton Side - 

It's really hard to tell that the colors are green and gold.  It is such a dark green.  But I took these close ups to try - 

I am very happy with November's progress - so now it's time to see what's on the agenda for the last month of 2016 - Wow it's been a quick year.  But without further delay -  What's up for: 

1.   UFO Buster - # 11 which is  "My Favorite Things"   This is the picture from the pattern cover.

Here is my Beginning Status - 

Here are my blocks that are done. 

I need to top stitch the blocks below.  (except the sheep it's pictured below) 

The last time this UFO came up I got the top stitching done on this one.  

After these blocks are done - I have two more that need to be done before I can start on borders.  Goal : Make the two additional blocks and Top Stitch all of the remaining 7 blocks.  (Being a little more specific and demanding of myself) 

2.  Start Quilting Military Charity Quilt  (Pictured Above)  Get minimum of 1/4 of it quilted.  It's big and I'm doing on my little domestic machine so I just want to get started.  I need to have it completed by middle of February.  

3.  CRQ guild Snowman Pillow.  These will be donated to local senior centers and hospitals for comfort.  

4.  Quilt the SNR Flag project.  

5.  Finish hand stitching binding on all the SNR Projects  (Pictured Above) 
      Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring and the Flag

6.  Make this into a wall hanging.  My Sister got this for me when she visited Sweden a little over a year ago, then stitched it for me.  I would like to get it bordered, quilted and made into a wall hanging so it can be part of my Christmas decoration this year.  

7.  Sister projects- my Sister and Brother in law will be Snow Birding here for a month.  She and I want to do the couple of sewing projects we didn't get to in October when she was here.  A Mixer cover 

 Like this just different fabric. 

and a Table Topper, for her friend.  
Goal:  Complete the Mixer Cover and the Flimsy Table Topper.   

8.  Bear Quilt - Get the Blue Jay fused down. 

 Since my Sister will be here to help with design - we can work on the lay out to get center fused onto background.  Then I can add some of the trees and limbs and grasses. 

I'm sure this will be plenty for the month especially since my Sister will be here for a couple off weeks of December and couple weeks of January.   But ever hopeful - If I can manage all of this - here are some possibilities for bonus points.    


B1.   I would like to start a beaver to see if it would work somewhere in the quilt also.  

B2.  Wool Santa - There is actually not much left on this - hopefully I can wrap it up.  It too would be nice to add to my Christmas Decor this year.  

B3.  Winter Panel Wall Hanging

As always I will keep you posted on how it goes.    Blessings - Lynn 

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