Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Does a Moose Moo?

Over the last couple of days I have quilted the moose that I started while I was in Williams.  
I echoed around him and meandered, then in the borders I did leaves. Now I just need to hand stitch the binding down and it will be done.  
Tomorrow I have a couple of errands to run and then I can go set up for this weekends retreat.  We can't stay and sew like some of the retreats but I'll be already to go come Friday morning.  :)
I have several projects that I am taking to work on - I don't want to run out.  
Here's what I have in my bag for this weekend. 
Four Patch Poesy - Add the sashing using this green.
Cathedral Pattern - Using this fabric. 

Scrappy 4 patch - Add the sashing
Charming Fractions

Pepper Cat that I took to Williams

I am also taking some dish towels that I have fused and just need to top stitch. 

And if I don't have enough with all this - ha ha ha I'm taking this Row by Row kit from last year.  I have the background done and most of the pieces fused just need to assemble.
Don't know what I'll work on first,  but as you can see I have lots of options. 
After this weekend I need to get back to some of my other projects like top stitching the bears - which I worked on today. This is just a small section. I have about 1/2 of one of the bears done.  

Next up will be to quilt the sheep quilt for Adrianna. 
I will be with a new group of ladies, some I will know and many I will not.  I am just a fill in for an opening they had and will not have my normal core of friends with me.  I'm excited for the possibilities. As always I will let you know how the retreat goes, and what all I accomplish.  
Blessings - Lynn 

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