Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Weekend Wrap

Weekend Retreat was very nice and fairly productive. 
Thursday, the day before the retreat began, hubby and I were running last minute errands and then were going to take my stuff to the retreat room to set up.  As we came home to pick up my stuff to take we had a sweet little surprise waiting for me.  This kit. A friend dropped it off with a note that said have fun at the retreat.
So I grabbed it and took it along with the rest of the stuff I had planned to do at the retreat. 
Now the story is when I called to thank her, that she thought it was a panel and wanted it for her granddaughter.  Well what she doesn't know yet, I put it at the top of the list and started it first so that I can finish it and give it back to her so she can still have it for her granddaughter. 
So plans change as they do quite often,  but it's okay by be - this was a fun project to work on.
Here's what I got done at the retreat. 
I  need to add the spider and web and then quilt and bind.  I'm hoping to have it done by end of the week. Next I pulled out and worked on "Pepper Puss" and I was able to complete the top. 
Once that was done.  I top stitched the dish towels I had prepped. 

The next two are done - I think.  I haven't decided if the bee hive needs rings or not...  maybe
This one is done. 

The lady bugs need eyes and antenna's.
  After those were done - I got to work on putting the green sashing strips on my 4 patch poesy.  
I got all of blocks sewn into rows, and all but three of the rows sewn together.  Here's a picture of it right before I packed up and headed home from the retreat. 
It was a very nice retreat and I met some fun new people.  Since I was a fill in alternate to this retreat, I am not sure when I will get to go with them again, but told them I'd love to be on the list of alternates for future retreats.  

I've got 5 weeks until my next retreat in October, and still have projects that I didn't get to this time - so I guess I'm ready to go when it gets here.  
Have a blessed day.  

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