Saturday, September 9, 2017

Williams Retreat Part 1

I'm not even sure where to start.  Excepti I need to say I had a wonderful time on my retreat.  It would have been really fun to get a picture with the three of us but my friends hate their picture being taken - so you'll just have to believe me when I say I wasn't alone.  :)  
I am going make this into a couple of posts, because there is just so much to tell about my 4 days in Williams. 

We sewed (a lot) talked (a lot) and ate, (a lot) but we also went sight seeing and went to a place called "Bearizona".    
So I think I'll just go in order and then hopefully I can capture it all.  
We got there on Tuesday mid morning. (9:15)
Here is the beautiful retreat home of our friend Patty.

When we first got there her husband and pets were still there, so we got to see these adorable little kittens.  "Basil and Paprika"

She also had two older Cats and a couple of dogs, but they all went home to their other home with her husband for the week.  
We visited for a bit then set up our machines. Cheryl and I had committed to making some pillow cases for victims of the Hurricane so we worked first on those. Cheryl made a dozen - I made 1/2 dozen.

After I got that done - I worked on my 4 patch posey using this fabric. 
Here are some of the blocks I was able to make with it. 

There 70 blocks and I will be putting sashing between them.  I think I am going to go with a green, but not sure. 
I wish I would have gotten a picture of all the lovely meals Patty made for us but I didn't.  On Tuesday for lunch she made us Grilled Chicken Salads and for dinner we had loaded baked potatoes.  Here is our table on the deck that we would eat at. 
See Patty leaning out of the picture.  :)
And here is a picture of the other deck.

It was a super wonderful day in a beautiful place, doing what we love to do. 
I'll share more soon.
Blessings,  Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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