Friday, September 15, 2017

Paying it Forward

Some call it Karma, some say what goes around comes around. I call it reaping and sowing - because that's what the Bible calls it. 
Our Pastor always said, if you want people to be friendly to you, you need to be friendly.  And if you want people to be good to your kids - be good to others children.  
Well - it's a little of a long story - but if you know me long stories are my specialty.  lol
I was in the local quilt store a few weeks ago doing some stitching with some of my friends, when this lady whom I've seen a few times before came in and wanted to know who wanted to buy some Tamales.  Well 3 of us went ahead a each bought a half dozen and so she went out to get them.  
After she brought them back in.  She started and telling us about her car breaking down and how this mechanic had tried to cheat them.  Then she said "But the Lord was watching and he protected us."  So she finishes her story and walks off. 
Well a couple of us decided that we would go ahead and eat one of the tamales right then since it was close to lunch time and then went back to sewing.
Pretty soon she comes back and asked who is Lynn.  Rut Row, I'm like what's up, lol then I said I was.  She said she had seen the doll in the quilt shop owners office and her granddaughter had a doll but the dog ate the dress and could I make a dress for her granddaughter's doll?   
Call me a softy - I said yes, but told her I would need the doll to figure out what size.  Well we worked out the details over the next few days, and I went to her house to pick up the doll.  While I was there I gave her one of the dolls in a bag that I already had made up that way she had something to play with while I had her doll.  The grandma was so happy.  
Due to me being out of town and her not feeling good, I was unable to give her the baby doll back until right before my retreat.  Even then we still had trouble hooking up and I left it at the quilt shop and talked to her on the phone to tell her so. 
Here is what I came up with.  A Dress, a night gown, a pair of pajama's and a quilt. 

It would have been nice to give to her personally - I never did meet the granddaughter, but I was happy to know that I was able to do something nice for her. Hope you have a blessed day - 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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