Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Modern Tree Distraction

Modern Trees is a quilt pattern offered by Christa Watson in 2013.  It was a Quilt A Long (QAL) in an attempt to help us design and work on our Free Motion Quilting.  I got the top done, Pin basted, all of the trees stitched in ditch and the Red and Green trees quilted. It's been like that ever since.  I pulled it out of the closet a couple of months ago thinking it would be a good match for my finishing UFO's and working on Christmas this year - Double Score.  I hadn't gotten to it yet since I was finishing other stuff, but yesterday it was a great distraction. As I was working down my July goal list I pulled out the Bear quilt and was going to finish the top stitching.

  After all I've been doing so good with my free motion quilting I was pumped up and ready.  Well after discussing the layout again with my Sister whom this quilt is for - 
I started in again and like last time I worked on the leaves - it's not going so well. I don't know if it's the fusible I used on the leaves.  I don't know if it's the thread.  I don't know if it's the fact that I only have one layer of stablilizer on the back and not batting and backing.   But.....
After a few of these same results I am frustrated and irritated and need a break. This is where the Modern Trees came in.  It was pinned and ready to go and I needed some reassurance that I could still quilt.  
Good News - I can still quilt.  Whew!  

 Bad News - I need to figure out something for the Bears.  I will try some different threads.  I have tried a couple different needles but will try different needle thread combos.  And I guess worse case I'll rip the leaves off and use a different fusible or method of getting them on.  I might be better hand appliqueing them on.  With all the time I've spent trying to get this top stitching done on them I could have already hand stitched them.  I'll figure it out I'm sure - but have to say it's more fun working on the Modern Tree's that is was the Bears.  
Have a Blessed day!

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