Sunday, July 22, 2018

UFO #5 Christmas Quilt

I am loosely following the All People's Quilts UFO number of the month - but that is not what the #5 is referring to. This is my 5th UFO completed this year.  Yahoo- Hallelujah!
Christmas Quilt is a pattern by Cheri Saffiote Payne.  I started this in 2011 I think.  Well it is done, quilted and I finished the hand stitching of the binding this weekend.   Ta-Done!
I am not 100% sure who this is going to... AFTER I enjoy it for a little bit. All the hand applique and free motion quilting I need to enjoy for a bit before giving away.  But if I had to pick, I have a sneaking hunch it will go to my other daughter Stacy.  She loves all the primitive stuff I make and knowing how much she loves and appreciates it - makes it worth letting it go.  So we'll see.  
It's been a productive couple of weeks and everything came together in the last few days.  This quilt, Taya's Quilt, the scrap blocks and the 12 day's blocks... But next - I need to get going on my Embroidered Bag Ladies.  They are what I picked for my "One Monthly Goal" (before I got side tracked with Taya's Quilt) So I need to get in and get them done.  
Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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