Saturday, July 14, 2018

Shiny Thing

Among my quilting friends we have a saying when we get distracted from our goals.  You know, when you start new projects despite having many UFO's (UnFinished Objects) - PIG's (Projects In Grocery bags) or PIN's (Projects I Never Started). We call this a "Shiny Thing"  
I've been so good at staying focused this year, I guess that in the 7th month I can have a shiny thing.  My Shiny Thing is "Psalm 23 and the Church Ladies". 
The top is done, it is pin basted and I am half way done securing it by stitching in the ditch. Who is this for and why did I have a shiny thing this month? 
Well the "Who" is Chantaya (Taya) our youngest daughter. 
She and her two kids are coming on the 31st of this month to visit for a week.  I've never made her a quilt mainly because she doesn't know what kind she wants.  Well she has not asked for this but I feel pretty certain she will like.  She is and has been pretty active at church, the one we went to before we retired and moved here.  She works in the coffee bar, helps out with young group, sings in the choir once a month and has a prayer group for recovering addicts called Celebrate Recovery.  
"How" did the shiny thing happen.  Well a friend of mine gave me a couple of pieces of fabric with scripture on them.  The Serenity Prayer and then these two pieces. This was a couple of weeks ago.
At the time I had no plan for them just said ya I'll take them and put them in my bag.  Well... a few days later I was looking for a piece of fabric that I thought I had (I don't even know what now) and came across this partial panel of the Church ladies.  
I am not sure why, but I hadn't looked at this panel real well and thought it was the Quilt Diva Ladies.  When I found out it was church ladies of course the thought about pairing it up with the scripture blocks came - and then I thought of Taya. And then because she's coming at the end of the month.... Well Shiny thing is in full motion. 

 After I started putting the blocks together the friend gave me the rest of the panel for Psalm 23. 
So I took out the Serenity Prayer and put the rest of the Psalm in. 
Can you tell he guest bed is my design wall.  :)
I think I will take the Serenity Prayer block and make it into a pillow. 
So I have a couple of weeks to finish it up before she gets here and as for the rest of this months original goals.....hmmm ummm - Well I guess I'll wait and see. 
I finished the Christmas Quilt, I just need to hand stitch the binding.  So that's good.  I'll post the picture when done - hopefully this month.  
And I am still working on the Bag Ladies... I finished one of the 3 that I have for a goal for this month.  Again pictures later on that too. 
So I'm busy and I'm doing stuff - and I'm still having fun even if I deviated from the original plan for this month.  
Have a Blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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