Friday, August 31, 2018

Raven Finish

Mr. Raven has been done for a while except a tiny little section of the hand binding that still needed to be stitched well I finally got that done last night. Yay!
And since today is the end of August - I thought I would recap a little on what I've been up to that last few days since the retreat.
I started quilting the quilt for my Sister and have gotten about 1/3-1/2 done.   
 I fairly happy with my leaves they are turning out well.  

 I would have gotten more done but I ran out of thread

and wasn't willing to jump up right then and go get it. I was telling my Sis that since her who she is giving it to loves elephants I should hid some elephants in the quilting.  So I did - there are two so far.
This is the back side.  :)

Since I ran out of that thread and was still in the mood to quilt I went back to work on the Modern Trees. This is a UFO that was a quilt along from Christa Watson.  It was intended to get us quilting our own quilts and yest it's giving me a lot of practice.  

Not too much more to do on that an a UFO will be done.  
Then on Thursday I went to Vegas with my girlfriends. Our favorite shop there was having a 30% sale and so we were getting some backing fabrics.  I got backings for 4 quilts - 
Now to get batting and get them pinned so I can get them quilted.  I also got some Black because I needed it and a couple of fabrics that will go with a Halloween quilt I am going to start in a few months. 

The Stripe fabric is glow in the dark. 
Here is the pattern.  

It's hard to hold off - I want to start it now - but that's how all these UFO's happen so I'm having self control. Halloween is next years goal like Christmas was this year.  
I am working hard on staying focused and getting stuff done.  So I will wait.  
Have a great Friday - Blessings - Lynn 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Quilting Queens Retreat Summer 2018

Well we had another fun retreat.  This retreat was in the big room again. 

 From the left Side.
 From the Right Side
I am sitting in the middle row shown above in front of Cheryl the 2nd person in that has the light colored shirt on.
Here's a picture from my seat looking back this direction. To my left while sitting down.  My back it to the front of the room.
Gloria is on the left and Vickie is in the middle, and that is Cheryl on the right.
If I look to the right from my seat - this is my view.

And this is directly behind me and faces the front of the Pavilion AKA: Retreat Room.  
The first Item I worked on was a "Drive By" Item from my friend Susie.  She gave me a quilt kit from connecting Threads and hinted that it could be her "Charity Quilt" for the year.  That was my hint that she wanted me to make it and give it back.  No worries - she buys it I get to make it and then she will get it quilted.  Best of all worlds in a way.  
Here's the picture from the pattern
Here's the top made. 

I made a couple adjustments to it but I think it really enhanced it.  I used this fabric for the centers and the little cornerstone borders.
Here's a close up. 
The fabric frayed a lot.  I will trim that up a little and then give back to Susie.  

This was the 2nd Item I worked on.  It's a really fun quilt. You sew Charm squares together and then make a couple of cuts - sew it back together and then your quilt is "On Point".  
I want to put a couple of borders on it but wanted to wait until I got this part done to choose my colors.
Next - and continuing on with my Christmas for a year - I worked on making half square triangles to make into pinwheels that I will add to some panel pieces for some place mats and a table topper.  

I didn't get real far but it's a start.  
Of course I came home exhausted and it will take a couple days to recoup but it's still a lot of fun.
Have a blessed day.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

August OMG Finish

Bag Lady #11 - Thelma Annette.  
They are almost all done.  I only have one more Bag Lady and all 12 will be done. Then I can put them together.  The last one is who they said was me. Here is Earlene Lynn.  
She will probably be my September OMG  but for now I'm going to link up to the August OMG Finish link over at Elm Street Quilts.  

I was concerned I wouldn't be able to finish with family coming and a retreat but I did.  Yay!
Now head back over there and check out some of the other finishes.  
Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, August 17, 2018

The Raven

My Daughter's roommate loves Raven's - and considering I have a lot crows and ravens in my wool and primitive work I volunteered to make a wall hanging for her.  Well her Birthday is in October so figured I better get at it.  
I like to use coloring book pages for ideas and then I will google images for coloring.  Here is the sketch I put together from a coloring page and a pattern from one of my Primitive Quilt magazines. 
Here it is all cut out of wool and fused to the background.  
It's kind of hard to make a totally black bird, black eyes, black beak and legs.  I 4 different pieces of wool and then will add stitches to give it more detail. 
My daughter thinks she'll love it. I hope so.  I'll have fun Stitching it.
Blessings - Lynn 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Scrappy Do

I have been following SoScrappy Blog to select a scrap color each month.  This month is Orange.  So here are 4 blocks in Orange.  
I've been making 3-5 blocks in each months color. 

Now I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with them.  I'm not sure if I want to make a rainbow type quilt or if I want to make more of some colors and make a few quilts that just have a couple colors.  Hmmm Any Ideas?
Have a blessed day - Lynn 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Bunnies and Posies

I'll open with a cute little bunny - because who doesn't like cute little bunnies.  
This is a free pattern from Shabby Fabrics. When I first saw it I thought of my friend Susie H.  The one that we went to her house for the River Regatta. Well Susie just lives a few blocks from us and does a thing called "Drive By's". I may have mentioned this before.  Now in the normal context of that statement a drive by is not a good thing - in our case it means that she is driving by my house and leaves me little presents.  She is always sending post cards of encouragement and thank you.  When I had my surgery last year, she drove a Subway gift card by for my husband so that he could have lunch while I was in surgery.  She is one of the nicest people I know.  So of course I wanted to make this little bunny for her.  When we were there on Saturday, Susie gave me some fabric that she wanted me to cut out for her for a 4 Patch Posey.   I helped her a retreat and so she wanted me to do it again.  :)  When I returned the cut out fabric - I included the little bunny.  And yes she sent me a thank you card.  
This pattern is so fun - it's very addicting.  I rarely make 2 of any pattern but I've made 2 already and almost want to do a 3rd.  
It's the one that looks like a kaleidoscope. Well my friend Gloria made one with some flowers on black background and she loved it so got some of the same fabric.  The neat thing about it - is it won't look the same because it depends on where you make the cuts, and what color sashing you use.  This is the fabric.   
I thought I had a picture of the original one but can't find it.  Sorry.
Here are some of the 4 Patch Posies that have been done in the last year.  This one was my first one.  

Here's my Second one. 
Below is Gloria with on of her's (on the left) and next to her in the middle is Susie H. 
This next one is done with fabric that had dragons and flames.  The lady that did it was not sure about it at all because it was totally not her style - but has already purchased fabric for a second one. 
Now I'll back up just a little and tell a short story of the night of the regatta and the next day.  That night a storm came in.  Another like the micro burst we had in 2014 when we first moved here.  We had to do some securing of our awnings again, I thought we were going to loose the ones in the back this time.  Well the power went out at approx 7:30 pm.  Both here in Bullhead and across the river in Laughlin.  After the extreme winds subsided a little and with the house hot we sat outside under the carport and watched the lightening in the distance.  About 10:30 pm we could see the lights come back on across the river as the whole hillside lit back up.  And of course I'm texting with some of my friends.  Our power did not come on for over 15 hours.  With temps over 110 - this is not good.  We got 80 pounds of ice and made adjustments to our food storage.  In the mean time I accepted an offer to go to a friends house for the day while my hubby golfed.  I cut out the Posey fabric and had fun visiting in the cool house of hers.  
So I have a question - what's worse having a broke AC or Having a brand New Air Conditioner and no power to run it.  Really doesn't matter, you're hot either way.  
All is well now - Have a Blessed Day

Monday, August 13, 2018

Happy Birthday Betty

My Very Sweet friend Betty is having her Birthday on the 15th so I needed to get her stuff shipped out.  She loves lady bugs, I made this little fabric bowl with lady bug buttons. 

Then another friend Cheryl makes these really cute bags, so I asked if she would make one for Betty. 

Well - she had lady bug fabric so made the bag with that.  
Then I had to throw a few more things in 
Along with a little gift card from JoAnn's. 
She loves everything you make her and give her so it's always fun doing stuff for her. 
Happy Birthday Betty  

Love you Bunches - 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

River Regatta 2018

Today is the annual Laughlin River Regatta.  
We have lived here for 4 years and vacationed here for over 20 and today was the first time we actually watched the floaters go down the river.  
Our friends invited us to come over eat brats and watch so we did. 


It was too hot to stand outside for too long, but we had fun visiting and eating and catching a few pictures.  The only draw back if anything is there is a lot of smoke in the air from the California fires, which made it hazy - other than that it was a nice hot day for them to enjoy the river.
Thanks Susie and Bruce for a great time. 
Blessings,  Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...