Monday, August 27, 2018

Quilting Queens Retreat Summer 2018

Well we had another fun retreat.  This retreat was in the big room again. 

 From the left Side.
 From the Right Side
I am sitting in the middle row shown above in front of Cheryl the 2nd person in that has the light colored shirt on.
Here's a picture from my seat looking back this direction. To my left while sitting down.  My back it to the front of the room.
Gloria is on the left and Vickie is in the middle, and that is Cheryl on the right.
If I look to the right from my seat - this is my view.

And this is directly behind me and faces the front of the Pavilion AKA: Retreat Room.  
The first Item I worked on was a "Drive By" Item from my friend Susie.  She gave me a quilt kit from connecting Threads and hinted that it could be her "Charity Quilt" for the year.  That was my hint that she wanted me to make it and give it back.  No worries - she buys it I get to make it and then she will get it quilted.  Best of all worlds in a way.  
Here's the picture from the pattern
Here's the top made. 

I made a couple adjustments to it but I think it really enhanced it.  I used this fabric for the centers and the little cornerstone borders.
Here's a close up. 
The fabric frayed a lot.  I will trim that up a little and then give back to Susie.  

This was the 2nd Item I worked on.  It's a really fun quilt. You sew Charm squares together and then make a couple of cuts - sew it back together and then your quilt is "On Point".  
I want to put a couple of borders on it but wanted to wait until I got this part done to choose my colors.
Next - and continuing on with my Christmas for a year - I worked on making half square triangles to make into pinwheels that I will add to some panel pieces for some place mats and a table topper.  

I didn't get real far but it's a start.  
Of course I came home exhausted and it will take a couple days to recoup but it's still a lot of fun.
Have a blessed day.

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