Friday, August 31, 2018

Raven Finish

Mr. Raven has been done for a while except a tiny little section of the hand binding that still needed to be stitched well I finally got that done last night. Yay!
And since today is the end of August - I thought I would recap a little on what I've been up to that last few days since the retreat.
I started quilting the quilt for my Sister and have gotten about 1/3-1/2 done.   
 I fairly happy with my leaves they are turning out well.  

 I would have gotten more done but I ran out of thread

and wasn't willing to jump up right then and go get it. I was telling my Sis that since her who she is giving it to loves elephants I should hid some elephants in the quilting.  So I did - there are two so far.
This is the back side.  :)

Since I ran out of that thread and was still in the mood to quilt I went back to work on the Modern Trees. This is a UFO that was a quilt along from Christa Watson.  It was intended to get us quilting our own quilts and yest it's giving me a lot of practice.  

Not too much more to do on that an a UFO will be done.  
Then on Thursday I went to Vegas with my girlfriends. Our favorite shop there was having a 30% sale and so we were getting some backing fabrics.  I got backings for 4 quilts - 
Now to get batting and get them pinned so I can get them quilted.  I also got some Black because I needed it and a couple of fabrics that will go with a Halloween quilt I am going to start in a few months. 

The Stripe fabric is glow in the dark. 
Here is the pattern.  

It's hard to hold off - I want to start it now - but that's how all these UFO's happen so I'm having self control. Halloween is next years goal like Christmas was this year.  
I am working hard on staying focused and getting stuff done.  So I will wait.  
Have a great Friday - Blessings - Lynn 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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