Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fabric Bowls

I've been working on these off and on all month.  Fabric bowls to give out at our retreat that we host in January. 

Here is a close up of one.

I made up the little wool take and make packets a little while ago now these. You can see the wool packs Here
We have 26 that come to the retreat so I'm shooting to have between 26 and 30, that way I'll have extra.  Right now I have 17 completed, 2 that have the binding on and just need to be hand sewn and 3 that are sandwiched ready to gather.  So I'm getting really close. 
Today I'm doing a few housekeeping chores... then my 7 miles on my stationary bike.  When I'm done with that I'm hoping to get into the sewing room for a little bit.  But instead of working more on the bowls I think I want to cut out some "3 yard" Quilts. My friend  Cheryl and I will be putting the tops together at one of the 3 retreats we are having in the next month and a half.   
Stitch and Rippits was gifted 60 bolts of fabric and no one is really using it.  So we want to show how easy it is to take 3 yards and make a quick charity quilt.  
Here are the 3 I am going to make - 

Here is the fabric I'm using -

I think I am going to do #1 and #3 in the Daisy fabric combo and #2 in the Cherry fabric combo.  What do you think?  Anyway - I want to start cutting these out and getting them ready. 
This evening we are going with my Hubby's brother and wife to a Vickie Lawrence show.  Yay... I think it is going to be awesome. 
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Blessings - Lynn 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

September OMG

My One Monthly Goal was to get my Daisy Day Embroidery blocks into a flimsy.  Well I did that rather early on in the month you can read about that in THIS post.  I did my post and was going to link it up, but then I was able to quilt and bind it as well - so I'm going to use the finished quilt as my link up.  
Here is the back.  

And a picture of the daisy's I quilted in the borders.  

In my previous post I explained about where I got the pattern and why I used the fabric I used. 
For now I'm going to link up to One Monthly Goal over at Elm Street Quilts. 

Have a Blessed Day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Paying it forward

Every year one of the guilds I belong to makes little Christmas stockings for Charity and the Angel Tree at one of our hospitals.  Well my snowbird Sister won't be here until 3 days after they are due, my friend Gloria is out of town with her son who is in the hospital and my other friend Cheryl just left town for her annual visit to see her son and grandsons. Since none of them will be here this month for the charity sew and since I didn't want to pack up my machine and take on Friday, I did 3 each (which is what they requested) for the 4 of us. 

I have one more that I made last year that needed to be fixed, I think I'll get it fixed and then there will be a bakers dozen. 
While I was doing that I put on a pot of soup and it is done so I'm enjoying a bowl that.  Hubby has a doctors appointment so we'll do that this afternoon. If I have any more time in the sewing room I'll get this mess cleaned up and next up I will be doing cutting.  I need to make some bindings and also start  cutting out circles for some fabric bowls we are going to give out at the retreat.  
Have a Blessed day!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Daisy Day Flimsy

Daisy Days was a block of the month offered by Jenny of Elefantz back in 2013.  I of course kept up for a while then poof, I got behind. Then I retired, moved to another state and it got put in a bin and left untouched for a few years. 
All the sudden I realized I had about 6 embroidery projects at various stages of UFO/WIP status and  I decided it was time to finish some of these up before I began any of the new patterns and kits I've acquired.  *wink* 
This is the 4th embroidery finish in the last few months.  It's only a flimsy at this point but I'll get it quilted soon.  
The original pattern had some other setting blocks and I was going to do them, but decided I wanted this to be a wall hanging so left them out.  
This is also my OMG One Monthly Goal this month so I will be linking this up at the end of the month over at Elm Street Quilts. 
Hope you have a Blessed day!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Production Line

Yesterday just fell into place. Right after breakfast I started a pot of Vegetable Beef Soup and put it in the crock pot.  The fan for our A/C is acting up so I didn't want to heat the house anymore than needed. 
 Then after Hubby left for golf, I called my Sis and talked with her for quite a while.  We text every day but like to catch up on the phone every few days.   So while I was talking with her, I hand stitched the binding on this table topper. 
 Here's the back.
 This one I did the day before to try out the machine after getting it home from repairs.  I was able to stitch this one my machine.
 Here's the back.
 Then I started trimming up the blocks for Daisy Days, and laying them out to see how it would look.  The top block needs to be finished and then I can start putting it all together.
 Then took out my Halloween embroidery that I've just started and looked at the pieced border.

So I started looking for black to use (note to self - you need black fabric bad)  once I found the black I wanted to use, I started cutting out the pieces.  And since the A/C is struggling and my sewing room was the coolest room in the house.... I started sewing the blocks.  I needed 4 HST and 32 QST. 
 It's been a while since I've made QST.  Good to keep up the skills. 

Before I knew it all my borders strips were cut (will cut exact size when embroidery done) and the piece border blocks were sewn and trimmed. 
Then because it was still kind of early and my sewing room was still nice and cool - I worked some more on the last block of Daisy Days.  I normally would do this in the living room with Hubby while watching or at least listening to what is on TV, but the cool room kept me where I was.  
Here is where it was when I started on it, I was still working on the lettering. 
This is where I finished last night before bed. 
I tried filtering and enhancing the picture but it is still hard to see some of the colors.  
I finished the lettering, did the pointed part of the banner, the rounded part of banner and the pink on top of banner.  Then I started doing the Bee and it's trail. 
So not too bad for a day's play in the sewing room.  
Now I'm off to give it another try and see what I can accomplish. 
Have a Blessed Day!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Little here - Little there

I go for a few days without posting, either because I'm too busy or I don't think I've gotten anything done to post.  But when you go back and look at the last few days you realize you did a little of this and a little of that and there really was stuff getting done.  
Right around the end of August, first of September I finished all the hand stitching on my oldest quilt ufo. 

Then after I finished that up, I quilted the "Welcome" wall hanging that I'm giving to my Sister to go with her bear quilt. I got the quilting done Monday before taking the machine in for a new tension wheel Tuesday. 

After I got the binding done on Thursday, I caved and sent my Sis  a picture, but I taunted her with sneak peeks before I did. 
Tuesday we took Frank my Brother in law, back to Las Vegas to catch his bus to go home... the time went too fast.  It was at the crack of dawn so I took a few shots of the sunrise in the desert. 

 Later in the day as we headed to Kingman to drop off my machine here are some more shots of the desert.

Here is my favorite - 
I take way too many pictures of the mountains - but I love them. 
Okay what else happened - I cleaned the house, started exercising on my bike again and worked more on the wool table mat.  
Yesterday we picked up my machine  so today I'm going to make some soup and then work on trimming the Daisy Day blocks and adding sashing.  If I sill have some time I'll try some quilting.  I'm really hoping that with the tension wheel fixed I can get some more quilt tops quilted.  
Well - I better get off here and get going.  Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, September 2, 2019

OMG - It's September

OMG - Oh My Goodness, it's September, it's Labor Day weekend, and 2019 is coming to an end.  I really don't like how fast time is going - but I will enjoy every day the best I can and part of that enjoyment shall be sewing.  Which brings me to another....
OMG - One Monthly Goal.  I did good getting my One Monthly Goal done for last month so I'll give it another try. I'm really close to having the last block of Daisy Days done.  My One Monthly Goal is to finish embroidering that block and sew the blocks into a flimsy. 

The red polka dot will be Sashing and the flower fabric the border. 

I'm linking up to One Monthly Goal 

At Elm Street Quilts. 

 It's been a little busy around here with family visiting and connecting to other family - but it's been wonderful and family is important.  
This month I have no retreats, and with my one brother in law heading home tomorrow I suspect I'll have a little extra sewing time.  I have a list a mile long that I'd like to get done but I'll post more about those in the next few days. 
Have a Blessed Day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...