Sunday, June 14, 2015

A week of catch up

As always - the time flies by and I wonder how that happened.  But I am really trying to blog more so I need to get caught up with what all has gone on.
Well I've actually had a lot more time at home this week than normal and some more time with my honey, but since I spent so much time playing with hubby I did a lot less sewing.  Oh sad ... huh?  :)
Okay so what all have I been up to?  Well - a week ago to day we went to a movie - San Andreas - it was a really good movie.  Very action packed and yet had a good story.
Monday - we had 101 errands to run. Needed to go talk to the furniture store about some furniture that was not holding up - check, Go to Home Depot to check out some items we need for our on going fixing things - check.  Then we stopped at Sam's club, checked out a few things, made an appointment to get my eyes checked.
Tuesday - I had my normal open sew at the quilt shop in the morning, then in the evening I had the guild meeting for Stitch N Rippits.
Wednesday - I went to my eye exam and ordered my glasses and I was so happy to find a affordable and easy solution to having my bifocal sunglasses with out two frames and two lenses.  They have these new Magnetic clip ons.  They are so great and you can't even tell there is a clip on.  Yay!!!
Thursday - Is my once a month cards day.  I have lunch with the girls and then we play cards.
Are you seeing a pattern here - No Sewing yet... Oh No!
Friday is sew day at the cottage.  - But before I headed there - I went to a doctor appointment with my Hubby and then he took me out to breakfast.  So by the time  I got to the cottage there were a lot of people there and not really a place to set up a machine.  I needed to get some sashing and backing fabric for the orphan blocks that I'm making into charity quilts.  Then I tried to work a little on some hand stitching got about 3 inches of needle turn applique done - but then needed to leave to get a pedicure - first one in about 7 months.  My hubby looked at my feet and said who are you and what have you done with my wife.   ha ha ha
Saturday - Sewing glorious sewing.  ha ha . I took a class that my friend was teaching at the quilt shop. It was an Art quilt with birds.
Here is mine.  I still need to tack down a couple more of the branches and then frame it.  But I think it turned out pretty good.  It was a lot of fun and I learn some new techniques.
And now we are at Sunday.  Well today hubby and I headed to Vegas, it is about an hour and a half from us.  He had a gift certificate for Bass Pro Shop and wanted to check some things out.  I have so much fun walking around in there too.  We spent 2 1/2 hours walking around.   :)
That took a bunch of our day up so we drove home - grabbed a hamburger and now we are kicking back and watching some TV.

Have a Blessed day - hopefully I'll talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...