Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cheese Please

Well I did it again - another week goes by - but I'm still getting things updated more than I did last month so I guess that goal is met.  Nice when I can make my own rules huh?  I'll post the good stuff first then go into the cheese part later.
One of my goals this month is to have the "Not Forgotten" Art quilt 90% done.  This is a quilt that I am making to be auctioned off to raise money for Lighthouse Ministries that is helping women get out of sex trafficking.  I am not an artist so the drawing of this was pretty challenging, but I did it.  I'm using the painting techniques that I learned when I did my Dragonflies and Cattails class, and  got the painting done yesterday. I then got the borders on and sandwiched it to do the quilting,  I did a couple of the outline quilt lines last night but needed to stop.   This is what I'll be working on today and then more on Saturday.

I will be attaching a sleeve and including a quilt hanger with it.  I'm excited at how it is turning out and hope the quilting goes as well.    I'll keep you posted.  :)

Next - I'll  warn you - you can stop reading now if you want -  The rest of the post is my Whine hence the "Cheese Please"  the following images are not cute little images of pretty little quilts or fuzzy little animals.  It's of   Ouchies.

I'm having trouble with my hand stitching right now. Want to know why?

I'm not the fastest in the west with hand stitching and embroidery but I normally do okay.  However - I had a fight with the garage door and I think it won or got some good blows in.  We don't have an automatic garage door closer right now and  I couldn't reach the handle to close it.  So I grabbed the crack between the two panels to pull it down just enough so I could grab the handle..... NO!!!!  When I pulled - it came the whole way down.  I had to grab the handle with my other hand and open the door to pull my fingers out.  They were flat.  OM Goodness it hurt.  I did not cuss, I did not scream.  I did not cry.  In fact, I was so calm that my husband did not realize how bad I was hurt until later, when he looks at it and said oh wow that looks really bad.   I said I showed you when it happened and you just told me to go get ice - he says - but you were so calm.  Hmmm.  Next time maybe I need to scream.   No for some reason I do that calm thing when I'm really hurt.  Now give me a paper cut and I'll let you know.  LOL.

 Remember the warning?

Doesn't look too bad except my husband started calling me "Thumbs" because the middle finger looked like another thumb.  :)  Now almost 3 weeks later, my finger is pealing and I have a scab on the side of my finger nail.

I warned you.  
Several people have asked it I'm going to loose my nail - don't know, guess time will tell.  Anyway this is my middle finger on my right hand.  Which is the finger that I push the needle with.  I have started pushing it with the ring finger - but it has slowed me down a lot.  It isn't extremely painful anymore - but it has numb spots like it's asleep, and each day it wakes up a little more.  
So there is my Whine.  I am having trouble finishing certain things like Mystery Monday because of the binding.  Trouble doing the stitching on the Vintage Kitchen block(s).   So I guess we'll see how I do on the goal list.  I sure I'll get things done and I'll be fine - but I just wanted to share my ouchies.  

Hope you have a blessed day, 

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about your hand. I hope it gets well sooner than soon.
    The quilt top is looking good, what a great job you are doing. L


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...