Sunday, June 28, 2015

Almost Ready

Well I've had some really productive days lately.  I'm doing the pre-vacation cleaning and wow does my place look good right now.  YAY!  I have everything ready for our vacation except the last couple of things and bathroom stuff that you throw in at the last minute which will be tomorrow morning.
I should have taken some before shots but I have a clean somewhat organized sewing area -

My sewing area/room is in our Arizona room that is also our extra storage - but most of our storage is my sewing stuff - uh oh.  :)  

So Since I was such a good girl and got so much done ahead of time I guess that means that today I can work on sewing projects.  I have a binding to finish on a baby quilt and some stitching on a couple stitcheries that needs to be done to finish my goals for the month - But I will work on them in the car and on the trip.  Today I am doing prep work on a wool project that has been on my list for a long time.  That way maybe I can take it for hand work for the trip as well.  And then if I get that ready who knows what else I can work on.  :)    I'll show pictures later.  
Have a Blessed day!  

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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