Sunday, April 23, 2017

Route 66 History

Since retiring - Hubby and I have  settled quite nicely into our routines.  He golfs and I sew. Then usually a day or two in the week we go sight seeing or do something other than the daily routine.  So last Tuesday the 18th, we headed to Kingman, AZ and went to a couple of Museum.  It is not huge, however since  the town was built around the infamose Route 66, there is a plethora of history about it.  We went to the "Route 66 / Power House" visitor center museum and the "Bonelli House".    For more info you can click the links to each.  I found more info and will be reading more about them too.  I took way too many pictures so I'll just try to pick a few.  There was a big display about people moving west on Route 66 and 3 huge pages from "The Grapes of Wrath"

This was in the first room 
And as a previous collector of Coca Cola memorabilia this Circa 1895 bottle caught my eye. Also this famous photographer Carlos Elmer whom got an award from Kodak - had this little picture journal. I made a little funny saying it could be the earliest record of scrap booking.  
And for your Trivia lesson for the day -  We were reading about these tours and I noticed the "Swastika" on the car and was amazed.  Then I noticed (duh) the sign under the picture.  Zoom in on the picture and read about it.  It was originally meant for good.  Hmmm 
If you can't read the sign Here you go.  
Next stop was the Bonelli house - 

Then on the way home we took Route 66 from Kingman to Oatman which is now a tourist attraction, with wild burro's roaming the streets, but was once a booming gold town after a $10 million gold find in 1915. It is also famous for being the honeymoon stop for Clark Gable and Carole Lombard after being married in Kingman in 1939.  The road is very narrow and with lots of curves (hubby not real fond of it) but the scenery is beautiful.  

If you zoom in you'll see an active mine.
Some wild Burro's

Just a pretty shot of the mountain and clouds. 
Didn't stop - not sure if it really is one. 
Entering Oatman. 
All in all a beautiful day and a little more info learned about history and the area around us. 
Have a Blessed day. 

Some of my girls

 I've been using all of my free time to sew and haven't stopped to do a post.  And I have lots to share.  So - Sew I'll probably do several little posts to get it all covered.  First up I want to share that today is my oldest daughters Birthday.  Happy Birthday Stacy Lee.  
 She is the one on the right side - But also my Granddaughter Jorden, on the far left had a milestone Birthday on the 11th.  She turned "13".  She is now a teenager.   

Anyway Happy Birthday my girls. Next one up is our youngest daughter Chantaya. She is the one in the middle.  Her Birthday is at the end of June. 

Happy Birthday my pretty girls.
Lynn - Mom and Grandma

Monday, April 17, 2017

A-Maze-ing Blocks

Yesterday was a wonderful day - it was Easter and that in it's self is awesome. I hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating with family or friends.  
This is a little quilt that I made a few years ago with the theme "New Beginnings"  Well Jesus on the cross is the best New Beginning I can think of.  This was my version. The cross is needle turn applique and the lilies are wool.  The sun is paper pieced.

  He is Risen and I am happy about that.  With our Children and grandchildren so far away we did not do a big dinner for the two of us.  But we each got to do what we enjoy and that made for a nice day.  Hubby golfed and I sewed.  
I have so many UFO's and so many new projects I want to start - it's hard to focus and stay on one project.  But I've been working on my Labyrinth blocks and they need focus. There are lots of parts and pieces. Not real hard but takes concentration. 
Can you see all the little pink post it notes in the background?  
I'm pleased with how they are turning out.  
The block in the middle top row will be the one I am doing today. It goes in the middle on each side and will fill the white spots in this picture.  
Hubby is playing golf again today - so this is what I'll be working on. 
Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Little Things

Some days I work and work and can't get anything done.  Then others with really no effort I seem to go from one thing to another and say Next -Next.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I worked on a bunch of stuff, some of which came out of the blue but it was fun to accomplish a few little tings. 
 First of up is this carrot bag.  A few ladies have been making them and so I wanted to try.  I wish I had done sooner and then I could have sent to my great nieces.  But they do have their little bunny bags.  
Second up was a dog bed.  Got in the drawer for a piece of material and saw this figured I've got a bunch of scraps building up. So here's a new dog bed.
Next up - a kitchen towel for my friends husband.  I told her a long time ago that I would make a towel that he could hang on the oven handle.  I hadn't done it yet and she was asking another friend of ours if she could crochet one.  Oops - that got me in gear.  
Then I started this wool applique on Friday but the fusible was not cooperating so I worked on it some more and got it fused on. 
Then I saw this block that I made in a workshop about a year ago - and I've been thinking I could make it into a cover for a pillow I have.  Then I could use it for my embroidery pillow I lean on when I hand stitch.  So here's the pillow.  
And last but not least I finished up the evening stitching on my March Bag Lady - This one is kicking my Booty.  I have no idea why it is taking me so long.  Maybe too many other hand stitching projects lately and not just this one.  Anyway I need to get her done so I can start April's Bag Lady and hopefully get her done in April.  
Well that was all of my little things for yesterday.   Today I want to work on the labyrinth quilt and see If I can get a few more blocks made. I'll let you know.
Have a Blessed day!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Starting Labyrinth

Today I went to my workshop for the Labyrinth Walk Quilt. This is the block I finished.
It was an experience. It was challenging but I did finish ONE only one *smile* of the hard blocks.  There are 4 of these and 5 of the other.  I've circled the block on the pattern cover below. 
Here we are setting up.  First up snack table - very important.  Melinda our guild president was so sweet and brought in salad for us at lunch time.

 Here's the room - back to the snack table. 
 My Station.  That's our Teacher - Bettye Sheppard on the right side of the picture.  She is from Victoria BC, but snow birds in Lake Havasu CIty, AZ.  
We did not have time to work on the other block but she did explain that it is similar to a log cabin block. Part of the problem was there were a couple of corrections on the pattern that we didn't realize until later -  but mostly it was operator error.  Sew 2 inches rip out 6 inches.  I don't know when I've ripped that much.  It got to the point I was stating that my ripper was my very best friend.  Funny three of us at the table not talking to each other about it - made the same mistakes.  
All in all fun day and I'm eager to get back on it and do more blocks.  It will be a couple of days, got some other stuff to do - but looking forward to it.  
Have a Blessed Evening, 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Quilt Las Vegas 2017

Here are some of my photo's from visiting the Desert Quilter's of Nevada show.   

Disclaimer - I am not a professional photographer, I did not document the person or persons making these quilts.  I took these photo's for my own pleasure and for sharing my likes and admiration of other peoples talents.  
(In fact I took a picture of a quilt I liked and found out it was made by a friend of mine.)  I don't have just one genre in the quilting world. I like primitive, modern, whimsical, art quilts.  I do favor applique over traditional and I like a more cute type of primitive than hard core folk art.  

Okay -
The next couple of quits stood out to me - they are adorned with hundreds of seed beads and bling.  The time that must have taken.  

Now look at this one.  All done with beads 
I had to take a picture of this one - my Sister loves Giraffe's.

This next one is simple but striking.   One thing I noticed about a lot of the quilts on display - they had lots and lots of quilting on them.  Look at all the pebbles on this one. 
This one was just cute - however I thought it was also neat that they thought out side of the box in putting all the animal buttons on it.  

This first one was awesome with use of color and the balance of quilting to go with the flames.  So creative.  

 Not sure what this next one is supposed to be.  Probably should have read the card.  :)
Isn't this cute?
When I grow up - I want to be able to Free Motion Quilt - like it is in this next quilt.  Beautiful!

 Here's my friends quilt. :)

These next three look so familiar, hmm I wonder why - oh ya they are shamefully UFO's in my closet.  Two of them are 1/2 done and one about 1/5. 
See what I mean about the cuter primitive.  

The next few quilts were just impressive either in quilt design, or the actual quilting on them. 

I love applique and do a lot of it both by hand and fusible machine.  In fact I just took a class on doing invisible machine applique. I do not have an embroidery machine that does this type of embroidery applique, however I did like this quilt. (close ups below)  Maybe because I have a few friends that love chickens.  
 Then next quilt appealed to my Art Quilting side.
 And for my dog loving side.  

I did take a few more photo's but this covers most of what really sparked my fancy - EXCEPT....... My bad friend took me to a bad vendor.  Which in turn caused me to be bad.  
Ha ha ha ha.  I did pick up some new patterns to do in my spare time. I just found out about this lady and I tell you her style matches a lot of what I like.  Obviously since I bought almost one of everything she had. Just kidding (I think)  *Wink*  
Here is her blog address   Simply Put Plus  - and here are some of the patterns I got. 

And with that I am going to sign off and get to sewing - something old or new not sure but sewing.  
Have a Blessed Day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...