Saturday, April 1, 2017

Marching on to April

March seemed like a long month, but a slow month.  There was so much hand stitching that it felt like it went on forever.  I did a lot, I just don't have a lot to show for it.  I actually spent a fair amount of my time working on patterns and instructions which is the behind the scene's work.  I have a little bit more to do on the instructions for my class I'm teaching on April 27th, and then I will have all my projects and instructions for both guilds done thru the end of May.  And since the guilds go dark for a couple months in the summer - depending on which project we do in June at SNR, I could be done until September.  Yahoo.  Whew.  Okay lets see what I ended up with for March.   


1. Bag Lady #3 - Millicent / Cheryl.  As you can see - I didn't finish. Funny thing is as of the first couple days of the month I had about this much done and thought I was going to be starting on April's early - ha ha ha.   I had too many hand stitching projects for one month.  

2.  CRQ Challenge Block - Completed!   (sorry for bad picture) 

3.  Church Raffle Block - 

4.  APQ  UFO # 12.    This ended up being my Henrietta  Whiskers - the beginning status - the top is done and needs to be hand quilted.  I kept wanting to get it pinned so it was at least ready to go - but could not get there. - No Progress -   

5. Retreat Items -   I had so many plans of things I was going to take - and I took none of the original ones.  LOL  One of them had so much cutting to do I'd still be at it - so I skipped that one.  As it was I spent two or three days cutting what I did take.  I decided to do this BOM from Quilt Doodle Doodles -  Each month she is releasing 2 more designs.  I didn't start on it until the retreat and was able to get all 12 Dresden plates done and fuse of couple of the pictures. This is what I have completed thus far.  

Frog Works  -  I also took this to the retreat - this one is all cut out and a couple of the blocks traced but did not have any time to work on it.    

That was is for my goals - what else went on?  I had a workshop at the big guild on invisible machine applique - Here is the one I did.  I like the technique and want to try some more.

Well what's up for April?  

1. Bag Lady #4  Gertrude - Vickie  .......    I of course need to finish last months first.  :)

2.  UFO's 
    2a.    APQ   UFO # 11.  This is "Pennies from Heaven"   This UFO has a ton of work left on it so I will say "Make Progress" 
 My beginning status:  7 Blocks done.  Many to go.  

    2b.   Bear Quilt - Work on it - "Make Progress"  
Beginning Status:   Bears fused, Blue Jay and Quail fused.  Top stitching and trees can be done. 

3.   CRQ Guild workshop - Need to finish instructions and make sample props.  "Sweet Tweet"  (pictured above)   

4.  Fuse and top stitch the next pictures on the Dresden Plate BOM from Quilt Doodle Doodles.   Not sure what they will be.  :)  

5.  Make the CRQ Guild Charity Travel Kit.  Cloth and Terrycloth with compartments.

6.  Labyrinth Walk Quilt. I am taking a class on the 6th to make this quilt.  

Here are my color choices. 
The cutting out alone is going to take me a long time - there are hundreds of pieces that are 1 1/4" x ?..... what was I thinking.   :)

I have a whole list of other stuff I want to do - and I know other stuff comes up during the month - so if I can accomplish  the above - I'll start on the other list.  Plus after going to the Henderson Quilt show yesterday - I have a bunch of new patterns for stuff I want to start making.  
I'll show you progress along the way - hopefully I will be better about posting than I was in March.  
Have a Blessed Day!

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