It was an experience. It was challenging but I did finish ONE only one *smile* of the hard blocks. There are 4 of these and 5 of the other. I've circled the block on the pattern cover below.
Here we are setting up. First up snack table - very important. Melinda our guild president was so sweet and brought in salad for us at lunch time.

Here's the room - back to the snack table.
My Station. That's our Teacher - Bettye Sheppard on the right side of the picture. She is from Victoria BC, but snow birds in Lake Havasu CIty, AZ.
We did not have time to work on the other block but she did explain that it is similar to a log cabin block. Part of the problem was there were a couple of corrections on the pattern that we didn't realize until later - but mostly it was operator error. Sew 2 inches rip out 6 inches. I don't know when I've ripped that much. It got to the point I was stating that my ripper was my very best friend. Funny three of us at the table not talking to each other about it - made the same mistakes.
All in all fun day and I'm eager to get back on it and do more blocks. It will be a couple of days, got some other stuff to do - but looking forward to it.
Have a Blessed Evening,
Wow. your first block is stunning. I look forward to watching your progress!