Sunday, April 23, 2017

Route 66 History

Since retiring - Hubby and I have  settled quite nicely into our routines.  He golfs and I sew. Then usually a day or two in the week we go sight seeing or do something other than the daily routine.  So last Tuesday the 18th, we headed to Kingman, AZ and went to a couple of Museum.  It is not huge, however since  the town was built around the infamose Route 66, there is a plethora of history about it.  We went to the "Route 66 / Power House" visitor center museum and the "Bonelli House".    For more info you can click the links to each.  I found more info and will be reading more about them too.  I took way too many pictures so I'll just try to pick a few.  There was a big display about people moving west on Route 66 and 3 huge pages from "The Grapes of Wrath"

This was in the first room 
And as a previous collector of Coca Cola memorabilia this Circa 1895 bottle caught my eye. Also this famous photographer Carlos Elmer whom got an award from Kodak - had this little picture journal. I made a little funny saying it could be the earliest record of scrap booking.  
And for your Trivia lesson for the day -  We were reading about these tours and I noticed the "Swastika" on the car and was amazed.  Then I noticed (duh) the sign under the picture.  Zoom in on the picture and read about it.  It was originally meant for good.  Hmmm 
If you can't read the sign Here you go.  
Next stop was the Bonelli house - 

Then on the way home we took Route 66 from Kingman to Oatman which is now a tourist attraction, with wild burro's roaming the streets, but was once a booming gold town after a $10 million gold find in 1915. It is also famous for being the honeymoon stop for Clark Gable and Carole Lombard after being married in Kingman in 1939.  The road is very narrow and with lots of curves (hubby not real fond of it) but the scenery is beautiful.  

If you zoom in you'll see an active mine.
Some wild Burro's

Just a pretty shot of the mountain and clouds. 
Didn't stop - not sure if it really is one. 
Entering Oatman. 
All in all a beautiful day and a little more info learned about history and the area around us. 
Have a Blessed day. 

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