This is a little quilt that I made a few years ago with the theme "New Beginnings" Well Jesus on the cross is the best New Beginning I can think of. This was my version. The cross is needle turn applique and the lilies are wool. The sun is paper pieced.
He is Risen and I am happy about that. With our Children and grandchildren so far away we did not do a big dinner for the two of us. But we each got to do what we enjoy and that made for a nice day. Hubby golfed and I sewed.
I have so many UFO's and so many new projects I want to start - it's hard to focus and stay on one project. But I've been working on my Labyrinth blocks and they need focus. There are lots of parts and pieces. Not real hard but takes concentration.
Can you see all the little pink post it notes in the background?

The block in the middle top row will be the one I am doing today. It goes in the middle on each side and will fill the white spots in this picture.
Hubby is playing golf again today - so this is what I'll be working on.
Have a Blessed Day!
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