Monday, April 3, 2017

Windy Dust Storms

Two times in the last week we have had dust storms. Last Thursday was the first one, winds around 50+ with 70 mph gusts.   Below is a picture of the sun going down but there is so much dust in the air you can barely see it. 
Here is another shot from Thursday of the palm tree.  
And here is part of the aftermath on our patio.  It really doesn't show how thick the layer of dust was on the ground. 

So then on Friday I went to the Henderson Quilt Show - So Nice I really enjoyed it.  I'll do another post to show you some of the quilts I saw. 
Saturday - Hubby and I went back - to Henderson so he could look for some new grips for his golf clubs.  What a nice day spending time with my honey.  
Yesterday after spending a good portion of the day cleaning up form the wind storm last Thursday. Sweeping, dusting and Vacuuming everything. This is just part of it - dust was everywhere inside and out. But I think is looks so much better. 
Then I spent the rest of the day cutting out the rest of my fabric for the Labyrinth quilt. I have a workshop for it this Thursday.  

I think I am all set now.  

Today - hubby took off to go play golf with his group and no one showed up.  So he took his new grips over to be put on his clubs and came home.  We had some lunch and then took off to run some errands we had planned to do tomorrow.  On the way back 1/2 way through our stops - WOW - We got hit with another dust storm.  
We heard on the weather this morning that the winds were coming in again tomorrow but they hit today.  

 Let me tell you getting out of the car and trying to get into the store was a challenge.  And talk about sand blasting.  Now a couple hours later there is a small breeze and the sky is beautiful again.  

So not sure it the storm that was for tomorrow and Wednesday is still going to happen or if this was it.  
Well have a Blessed Evening

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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