Monday, June 26, 2017

Planning Prepping and Sewing

Awe - I had a little bit of sewing time yesterday which was so nice. I put my book on tape on and away I go.  First off I picked out some fabric I wanted to use for yet another new quilt.  I saw this in my Simply Vintage magazine that comes out of France.  
I've been wanting to do this for a long time - and have had these fat quarters saved up for it. 
 Now I just need to get them cut out and start picking out my wool for the applique.  Yay.  So I set that aside for a little bit and went on to my next item I wanted to do.  I have a scrap bag pincushion that I use all the time.  And when I go to classes, workshops and retreats I try to remember it.  Operative word there is TRY.   So here's what I did.  I made one for my travel sewing machine.  And I made a slightly smaller one that can be used for all of my hand sewing.  

Now they can just stay with each section of stuff and I will always have one with me.  
It was a very nice relaxing day. 
Today we are going to the gym so hubby can do a lite work out for his back and then may try to go swimming at the lake. It needs to be gentle to not re-injure his back. 
Not sure if I'll have time or energy to do any sewing when I get back from all of that - And I also need to do some paperwork for one of the guilds - so  I guess we'll see if I sew or not.  If I do get some time, I still want / need to work on the quilting project and charity quilt.  And I want to start cutting out the above mentioned quilt.  
I'll keep you posted.  
Have a Blessed day!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Just roll with it....

I've been doing some little things but not a lot of Ta-Da's going on.  My sweet hubby has a hurt back right now so he has been home and not golfing.    He is not one that likes to stay indoors or sit around so it's been torture for him. So  I've  changed up my routines a little. I've been doing a lot more hand stitching so I can sit in the living room, and watch TV with him.  I've been going stitching at the local quilt shop on Tuesday and sewing with my friends, and doing more hand stitching. And since I'm not really sure from day to day if I'm going to have sewing time in my room, it's hard to get a plan set (and I am ALL about planning  *Grin* )  or stay focused. 
So what is a girl to do with all of this - Just Roll With It!

I am working on a UFO that is not only not on the list for this month, it wasn't even on this years list.  But I found it looking for something else and can't pull myself away from it. Savannah Flair that I mentioned in my last post.  A free BOM from Fat Cat Patterns in 2010. 

I finished the last 3 masks. 

Now I am working on the top stitching. I am doing a raw edge straight stitch around it, that's how I started it so many years ago - so I'm continuing with that.  I had 2/3 of the stitching done on the animals. So I worked on that for a little bit on Thursday. Next time I'm in my room I will finish up the animals and hopefully start doing the top stitching on the masks.  However I really should get started on quilting my charity quilt so I should wait on that a little.  
I have two retreats coming up.  One is in a couple of weeks, and one is in two weeks and the other is three and half weeks after that.  Yay!
So I have been putting stuff together to work on at them.  I have a kit I prepped for one of my retreats past that I didn't get to called Frog Work. It's all cut out and I even have a couple of the stitchery's traced.
Then I have 2 different strip quilts that I'm going to work on.  One is called Stack and Flip.  its a pattern that was featured by Missouri star.  

Using this jelly roll. 
Then I put together another strip quilt that will use this pattern and these fabrics.  

This is a jelly roll that I got at the white elephant exchange from my last retreat. 

Then the final thing that I have ready for the two retreats is a scrappy quilt that I'm making using these 4 patches I put together.
After the first retreat, I will know better if I need to get more stuff ready or not.  If I am productive I will get lots done and need to prep more stuff.  But if not I will be all ready to go.  I have 2 more quilts I would like to start (Like I don't have enough going on) so I may set them up and have them ready to go.  
As for my hand stitching - I did the hand stitching of the binding on a friends quilt for her.  And I got these two little things done on Friday - they came from a pin cushion kit I got from Simply Put Plus, however I am going to make them into little wall hangings.  One is going to be a gift to my friends Sister.  
 We were out and about all day yesterday.  My honey needed to get out of the house.  But I think today between the heat and the fact we did get out yesterday I will have some time in my sewing room.  So I'm going to sign off for now and get in there while I can.  
I'll let you know what I get done.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Side Tracked

I have noticed since I've become a quilter that I can get derailed or side tracked very easily.  And even more so now that I am retired.  But isn't being retired supposed to allow you to do what you want to do when you want to.  :)  
This month has been a little off track anyways so why not get off track with my projects.  I'm doing pretty good with my goal list - but a different UFO has been calling upon me.  It's not on my UFO lists anywhere but it was reaching out to me.  So that's what I did for a couple days when I could steal away to my sewing room.  I worked on fusing some masks for my Savannah Flair quilt. 

 I got this pattern as a free BOM from Fat Cat Patterns in 2010.  (Ya it's been a while)
Here is photo of the quilt pattern. 

I really like this quilt and am not sure how it got tucked away for so long.  But am very happy to be playing with it again. I'm hoping I will have time to fuse the last 3 masks this month.  I have all the animals fused and sewn down I'll show them on my next post of this quilt.
As for today I am getting together with a few of my sewing friends and will be working on my other UFO - Folk Art Gathering.  I need close to 100 flying geese.  That should keep me busy today.  
Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Double Done

Do you ever take short cuts and then kick yourself in the butt?  How many times do our shortcuts end up in double work.  Or how many times do we do something that is half XXX then don't like what we made.  Well that's where I was.  I took a short cut, then didn't like it.  Thought I could live with it because after all the quilt was for me this time.  And I don't like re-doing things - I often times try to figure out how to make it work.  Well I guess I've reached a point in my life - I don't like that.  If I'm going to go to all the work of making something I don't want that one little thing to spoil how I feel about the whole project.  It was putting a damper on how I felt about this quilt.  My Labyrinth.... is really done.  

I machine stitched both sides of the binding.  Some people have great success with that - I do not.  I wasn't happy with it.  I have this quitl that I so carefully pieced, lining up all the points and corners.  I had it long armed quilted, and then blah.  I didn't want to take it to show n tell or let anyone see it in person.  So what is a girl to do when a quilt nags at her for several weeks.  
I tried to think of different ways I could fix it and really this was the only way I knew I'd really be happy with it.  

This is the back where I have properly hand stitched the binding back on my quilt.  
 Now I am not ashamed to show it to anyone.  I got it done yesterday afternoon in time to take to our last guild meeting for the season at SNR.  I am very happy I re-did the binding and so now all is right in the universe.  Lol.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Graduation Congrats!

Congratulations Jeremy!
This is our daughter and grandson. Proud Mama can you tell.

This is his girl friend Savannah. 

Jeremy was our youngest and only grandson for 8 years.  With the addition of 2 more grandsons, he became the oldest  - but wow - now he is 18 and graduating from high school.  Of course as grandma, (and grandpa) we have all the memories that at this age can really embarrass him as was evident when I tried to post this on facebook for his birthday. 
 He promptly took it down.  But they are still our memories and I'm sure one day he'll appreciate them too.  You've grown a lot sweetheart - So proud of you.  
Love you to the moon and back. 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

It's a Girl

I am so excited  - I am going to have a new great grand...... daughter.   Here is my granddaughter and her baby bump.  
This is Filip and Ciara's 3rd child and will be a baby sister to Carter and Benjamin.  Here they are with their cousin Jorden, our other granddaughter.  We've got lots of boys time to level things out a bit.  (grin) 
Carter (on the left) has always loved his big cousin Jorden.  He used to always say that she was his girlfriend. I was given free rein on what I wanted to do for our new little girls quilt.  And of course I'm already planning.  
I don't have it all worked out but it's going to involve this panel - 
And this panel - it's called a play mat so may end up as that and not be part of the quilt. 
These coordinating fabrics as well as a few more.
Using ideas I got from this pattern.
I'm sure I will be posting more on this in the future - so stay tuned. 
Sweet Blessings -

Friday, June 9, 2017

UFO's Progress Report.

Little bits count right.  I've still got a couple weeks left - but I worked on Folk Ark Gathering and got a little bit done.  It's a little hard to see in this photo, however the angle at the top is only pinned in place and not stitched.  So I got that needle turn appliqued on.

I had the cat block done except stitching the wool down for the eyes so I did that. And started stitching the leaves on the heart block that I had assembled.  
There is a couple weeks left in the month, so I guess we'll see how much more I can get done on this.  

I have made a few additions and adjustments to the Bear Quilt UFO also.  I have made the stump and placed a little grass in front of it.  I have also cut the stop border that goes around it.  
It still needs a lot of work.  :)
But getting little bits done - baby steps to a finish. 
Have a blessed day! 


Thursday, June 8, 2017

What's Up?

It's been a fairly busy week around here - I really do get amazed how time flies.  
Friday I went to the cottage and we made more of the quilt bundles.  We're taking quilt tops that have been donated to the guild then measure and cut backing and batting and binding for them.  Put all of that together in a bundle.  We wanted to have them available for the last meeting which will be this month, in hopes that members can take them home to work on over the summer.  
Saturday I went to Lake Havasu City with a few friends.  We went to a quilt shop and then out to lunch.  
Sunday I worked on the In-box Jaunt quilt top and finished it. And got it sandwiched ready to go.  

 Then I started some blocks for my UFO - Folk Art Gathering. 
Monday - I did some house cleaning, made a stump for the bears, and we bought some groceries. 
I also worked more on the blocks for Folk Art Gathering.
Tuesday - I went and stitched with a few friends at the local quilt shop.  I've been working on the next "Bag Lady" - Buehla Jean. I don't do in any kind of order - just as it hits me. 
Yesterday - I worked more on prepping blocks for Folk Art Gathering.  I got these to the point that I can do hand stitching on them on Friday at the cottage.  The applique below is wool and I will be doing a blanket stitch around them.  

 The top block in the picture above is the block below.  It will have a man and a woman on it.  I will be needle turn appliquing them on.  Here is the woman's dress.  
I also made more grass for the bear quilt.  I want to put some in front of the stump. Although I have fused the branches and leaves to themselves and the grasses to themselves, I have not fused the trees, branches, leaves or grass to the background. 
I will keep adding to it and when I am satisfied I have enough - I will fuse it all together. Then I will need to do a lot of top stitching.  Did I mention a lot.  :).  
So - that's what I've been up to.  Today,  I want to fuse the grass together to go in front of the stump and make a few more little branches.  If there is still time available, I would like to start the first step in the free motion QAL, which is to "Stabilize" - AKA - Stitch in the ditch.
I will let you know how I do.  Hopefully sooner than this post.  
Have a great day - Be Blessed, 

Friday, June 2, 2017

May wrap up and June Goals

1. Bag Lady #5  Hildigard/Katie -  Here she is.  
 2.  UFO'S:  
  2A  APQ UFO # 2  - Ruby Red Dot.  No Progress. 
  2B  Bears -  Goal - make progress - get some of the grasss and trees placed on background.  Goal MetI am making progress:  

This is pretty much where I started at.  The bears are together - and I have them on a green background - but that's all that is together- UNTIL NOW.  
3.  Dresden Plates - Lilacs and Angel Food Cake.  Goal:  Fuse and top stitch these blocks. Here are the pictures from the pattern. I am doing mine in brights. 
This is what I did! 

.4.  Charity  - Goal Met!
    4A  SNR Guild - More Dog Beds    No Pictures however we completed 17 more.  
    4B  CRQ Guild  - Welcome bags for new Teachers  
 5.  Labyrinth Quilt - Finish the top.  Goal Met - in a big way!  
  Bonus points if I can get it pinned and start quilting. I cheated a little - I took it to a long armer.   And I made matching pillow cases.  
Here are some close ups of the quilting. 

6.  SNR Guild Craft Fair - Goal Met -Each member was given a bundle of fabric to make something to be sold at the craft fair next fall.  This is the fabric I was given.  I think I'll make a table topper or 4 place mats.  Anyway I need to make something with it and turn it in.  Well as I have posted  in previous posts - That didn't go as planned.  Plan B is Frosty. 
And as always - I have extras that come up that I didn't know I'd be working on during the month.  
1.  SNR Guild Workshop sample.  My guest teacher whom was a snowbird had to go home early to Canada so I ended up needing to make a sample and get things ready for the workshop myself.   Here is my double pot holder.  
2.  Preemie Pajama's for Pakistan  One of my friends and guild members had a missionary come to their church requesting pajama's for preemie babies.  I  guess she wanted to have around 20 pairs.  So here is what I helped with. 
3.   Binding for friends Quilt.  My friend asked if I would make the binding and attach to her Quilt. 
Here is her quilt.  
4.  Project quilting.  Off Season Challenge.  "May I"
Well this was perfect because here is my inspiration - My great grandson.
And here is what I created.
Here's a close up  
All in all it was a good month.  So Next up 


1. Next Bag Lady - Buehla - Jean.

2.  Dresden Plate - The next two Dresden plates from Quilt Doodle Doodles. 
One is a Pony 
One is a butterfly
Mine of course are in bright fabrics.

3.  UFO's 
3A-  Bears- Keep working on the Bear Quilt (pictured above) - Make Progress. 
3B -  APQ random UFO # 10 Which for me is "Folk Art Gathering"  
Here an image from Cheri Payne the designer of whole quilt. 
Here is an image of the section I'll be working on next 
Here is my beginning status -  

There is a more detailed listing of where I left off in this blog post.  
4.  Charity - 
SNR guild - Need to complete a charity quilt over the summer months.  I have this one made and pinned ready to quilt.  Goal will be to start quilting it.  
5  In Box Jaunt QAL - Lori Kennedy is doing a Free Motion Quilt along.  She started it last month but I'm going to work on it this month. This will give me a good chance to practice my free motion skills.  And hopefully use on the charity quilt.  
Spring QAL, Lori Kennedy
The picture above is from her blog.  (I'm hoping it's okay to post if I'm giving her credit since it is copyrighted) 

I'm sure I will be doing other things this month - So having these as a starting point I'm sure is enough.  The only extra that I know of at this point is getting ready for a retreat that is at the first part of July.  
That's it for now - I'll keep you posted.  
Have a Blessed Day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...