Thursday, July 25, 2019

Another Visit and Another Goodbye

We have been really blessed that our oldest daughter and son in law have been able to visit several times this year - but this last visit  was bitter sweet.  They are moving to Texas. It is not any farther away from us and will be wonderful because they will be with their children and grand children. However, with finding new jobs and a new home,  it will be a little bit before we will get another visit from them.  

While they were here we watched the dogs for couple hours so they could go play bingo. This is Rufus.  I didn't get a picture of Milo.

I also was able to get a little more hand stitching done on my Fall Wool Crazy. 
 The red flowers above the potted flowers.
The little flowers between the gourd and the sunflower. 
 The Cross Stitch and red french knot.

I only have one more seam to do the crazy stitches on, then I can do the stitching around the applique.  
I've also been stitching on my Sun-Daisy embroidery.  I'll post pictures of that later. 
Have a Blessed Day!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Patriotic Scrappy and Goodbye

This is a little of my own design I started at the June retreat. 
I took some ideas from several different scrappy quilts I saw and put them together.  
I finished this top on Wednesday, then Thursday we took Caleb back to the airport to fly back home to Oregon. 

After his plane taxied out we headed to Kingman to drop off my machine for repairs.  We stopped to have breakfast while we were still in the burbs of Vegas and the planes flew right over us.  

Friday I went to the Cottage - it was charity day so spray basted one quilt 4 of us (Sandi, Beverly, Gloria and I) got it tied.  Then they started pillowing other quilt tops with a fleece backing, and the 4 of us got one more tied before we stopped for lunch.  We ate and then most of us left.  I wanted to get back up to Kingman to pick my machine back up. 
Today was our Monthly Saturday Sew and potluck.  We did Hot Dogs and salads.  I worked on the Fall Wool Table mat that I've been doing for Cheryl.  
Here's how it looks now.  

I had the center flowers done before I started today.  
Here's what I got done today:
There will be a weeping tree in that area. I did the feather stitch.
The Chain and pinwheel flowers. 
In the picture above it is hard to see but I did the french knot flowers under the wagon and flower pots.  Then did the flowers in the pots and started on the seam above the pots that will have red flowers in them.  Pretty good for a days work. 
Late tomorrow, but more likely Monday we are expecting our Oldest daughter and husband to stop in for a day or two on their way to Texas.  They along with their son (our grandson) are relocating there from Oregon to be closer to their daughter (our grand daughter and family).
Tomorrow I plan on doing some house keeping then I want to try out my machine now that it is back from the shop.  I was on a roll with my quilting I want to get back on the roll with it.  :) 
As always I will keep you posted. 
Have a Blessed Evening - 

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hop Hop Hooray

What Hops do you ask - Bunnies do but uh no ... It's Frogs, and they hopped right into a finished quilt top. :)
This was one of a handful of embroidery UFO's.  Now it is in the cue to be quilted.  My next embroidery ufo is Daisy Days.  When I picked it back up I was half way through Saturdaisy. 
I got it completed - (It needs to be pressed and trimmed) 
And then traced out Sundaisy - 
This is the pattern picture of it -  
I am unable to quilt right now, my main machine needs to be fixed so I'm working on my scrappy quilts that I took to the retreat.  Who knows I may have another top done soon.  
Enjoy your day - Blessings,

Monday, July 15, 2019

Top Finished OMG

My One Monthly Goal for July was to finish the top for Jean our Guild President.  Well Ta Da - 
I don't know for sure yet, but I think one of the other members will be doing the quilting of it.  I'll have to let you know on that part. And I will be linking this up to "One Monthly Goal" over at Elm Street Quilts at the end of the month. Until then happy quilting.   
Have a Blessed Day!

Fun Weekend

We still have our grandson Caleb with us for a few more days and this weekend we took him to a Birthday party and he got to meet some of his family he never knew.  He was a little shy at first not sure if he wanted to take his swim trunks or play with the other kids but then we couldn't hardly get him out of the pool.  There was a pool and also a jumpy house water slide.  What more does a kid need right.  
Okay there were hamburgers, Hot Dogs, a pinata, cake, Ice cream.... A lot.  
The day was super hot but they had a few shade tents up and it was a very nice time.  Hopefully adding to the summer memories from his stay with Grandpa and Grandma. 

 Here's a picture of my Hubby on the right with his brother Ron. Caleb's Great Uncle.
 And here is hubby with Ron's Daughter, our niece Brandi - Caleb's Cousin. 
Sunday I did a little sewing - and finished Jeans quilt top, posting about that in a separate post.  
After finishing my Frog Embroidery, I pulled out my Daisy Day.  I'm almost finished with SaturDaisy so I got SunDaisy Traced.  I'll show you those when I finish Saturdaisy. Then.... since I've been good for so long keeping my nose to the grind stone working on finishing UFO's, I let myself trace a new pattern for embroidery.  
I've had this pattern for a while and it's been calling my name big time.  I'm going to use black perl cotton size 12.  It feels the most like 2 strands of DMC.   Okay well I better get at something or the UFO's are going to pile up again.  
Have a Blessed Day - 

Friday, July 12, 2019

Diamonds Frogs and Daisy Days

Change of plans, we didn't go swimming yesterday so I did get a little sewing done.  I started the guild president "Jean's" quilt, Diamond Daze. 
First was the half square triangles

then attach a rectangle
the sew two of those together 
The using a template you draw two lines on the back then pair up with a large print rectangle
Once you do that and sew on each line, you will get two blocks like you do with the half square triangles.
and once you make enough you can put four together and make a diamond.  
This is not sewn together, I just laid together to get an idea.  
That was all I had time for.  My main machine is having issues again and after a couple of days of trying to work with/around it I had to give up and set my other machine up.  By the time I did all that and then fixed the tension on my other machine I only had a couple hours of sewing time left. 
While watching some TV with hubby last night I was able to get the frog belly done.  This is the end of the embroidery for this quilt.
So after I finished that I pulled out the Daisy Day embroidery that I was telling you about in my last post.  Satur-daisy was my next block to work on and it is half done.  Here is my starting point.  
I finished the wheel and did a couple of books on the shelves.  
Today Caleb and I are going to the cottage, this is his last Friday here so we are going to have Pizza and Cheryl made him a cake.
Have a Blessed Day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...