Friday, July 12, 2019

Diamonds Frogs and Daisy Days

Change of plans, we didn't go swimming yesterday so I did get a little sewing done.  I started the guild president "Jean's" quilt, Diamond Daze. 
First was the half square triangles

then attach a rectangle
the sew two of those together 
The using a template you draw two lines on the back then pair up with a large print rectangle
Once you do that and sew on each line, you will get two blocks like you do with the half square triangles.
and once you make enough you can put four together and make a diamond.  
This is not sewn together, I just laid together to get an idea.  
That was all I had time for.  My main machine is having issues again and after a couple of days of trying to work with/around it I had to give up and set my other machine up.  By the time I did all that and then fixed the tension on my other machine I only had a couple hours of sewing time left. 
While watching some TV with hubby last night I was able to get the frog belly done.  This is the end of the embroidery for this quilt.
So after I finished that I pulled out the Daisy Day embroidery that I was telling you about in my last post.  Satur-daisy was my next block to work on and it is half done.  Here is my starting point.  
I finished the wheel and did a couple of books on the shelves.  
Today Caleb and I are going to the cottage, this is his last Friday here so we are going to have Pizza and Cheryl made him a cake.
Have a Blessed Day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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