Thursday, July 11, 2019

Movie and a Frog Belly

My plans changed right after I hit the post button on yesterday's post.  LOL.  Originally the plans for this week were to go to the movie - Toy Story 4 - and told my friend Cheryl she could go with us so since she likes animated movies too.  Well yesterday morning she called and said her husband could get us free tickets and her and I could take Caleb while our hubbies golfed.  So win win. Hubbies didn't have to go (cause they say they don't like) and Cheryl, Caleb and I all got to see the movie.  
I think even after Caleb goes home Cheryl and I are going to have to go to movies once in a while, so we can see the animated ones.  :)
After we got done there, we stopped at JoAnn's so I could pick up some machine needles and I got Caleb an airplane toy and then came home.  Hubby got home about 15 mins after that, so we went out and grabbed a salad and a sub sandwich for dinner. 
So that means I did not get any sewing done with the exception of a little more stitching on my Frog Works embroidery. Last time I laid it out, it only needed 2 blocks done, and borders. 
The big one is done -  
And here is the last block, I only have the Frog Belly left. 
I got this kit in approx November of 2013.  I started the setting blocks at a retreat, in August of 2017 and then started the embroidery sometime in 2018.  I'm hoping  to have the top finished with in a month and have it quilted before the end of the year. It is one of my "15" items I was trying to finish by Oct/Nov of this year.  
Once the embroidery is finished on this one, I will work on finishing up the embroidery on Daisy Days. This was  a Block of the month many years ago from Jenny Elefantz.
I have Monday through half of Saturday done.  

Here is my 1/2 of Saturday
I need to finish Saturday then do Sunday.  Here the pattern picture.
Depending on how I put the quilt together there is another block that goes on the top row.  Again, pattern picture.
 I want to tie up all these rogue (ufo) embroidery projects because  I have a couple new ones waiting at the starting gates.  I've been real good at holding he gate closed for now but not sure how much longer I can hold them in place.  :)
I think we are taking Caleb to the lake for swimming again today, so not sure if I'll get any sewing done today or not.  Tomorrow is hand stitching at the cottage so it may be Saturday or Sunday before I get started on the quilt for our guild president.  Guess we'll have to wait and see. 
Have a Blessed day!

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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