Monday, July 15, 2019

Fun Weekend

We still have our grandson Caleb with us for a few more days and this weekend we took him to a Birthday party and he got to meet some of his family he never knew.  He was a little shy at first not sure if he wanted to take his swim trunks or play with the other kids but then we couldn't hardly get him out of the pool.  There was a pool and also a jumpy house water slide.  What more does a kid need right.  
Okay there were hamburgers, Hot Dogs, a pinata, cake, Ice cream.... A lot.  
The day was super hot but they had a few shade tents up and it was a very nice time.  Hopefully adding to the summer memories from his stay with Grandpa and Grandma. 

 Here's a picture of my Hubby on the right with his brother Ron. Caleb's Great Uncle.
 And here is hubby with Ron's Daughter, our niece Brandi - Caleb's Cousin. 
Sunday I did a little sewing - and finished Jeans quilt top, posting about that in a separate post.  
After finishing my Frog Embroidery, I pulled out my Daisy Day.  I'm almost finished with SaturDaisy so I got SunDaisy Traced.  I'll show you those when I finish Saturdaisy. Then.... since I've been good for so long keeping my nose to the grind stone working on finishing UFO's, I let myself trace a new pattern for embroidery.  
I've had this pattern for a while and it's been calling my name big time.  I'm going to use black perl cotton size 12.  It feels the most like 2 strands of DMC.   Okay well I better get at something or the UFO's are going to pile up again.  
Have a Blessed Day - 

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...