Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Hello everyone!  Kim over at Persimon Dreams is having an "Off Season" Project Quilting Challenge.  Can I say - YAY!.  Oh I think I just did.  
The theme as you may have guess by my title is "May I?"  Here is my quilt.  
 Here is a close up so you can see better.

We are encouraged to share what inspired our creation.  Well this theme was perfect timing. Just a couple of weeks before Kim put out the theme, my granddaughter sent me this snap chat photo of her son, our great grandson.  The caption on the picture says it all.  

Thanks a lot Kim for the challenge it gave me a good excuse to capture a wonderful memory in a quilt and equally a good chance to show off my great grandson.  

Now go back over to Persimon Dreams and check out more project quilting quilts.
Blessings,   Lynn 

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Scrappy Repost

I am re-posting part of this to make it easier to see one of my Scrap quilts. 
Last Summer - I had a sandwich bag of these squares and was about to give them or throw them away and my Sister said they were the perfect colors for a table topper that she wanted to make for her friend.  So we put them a side and when she came in the winter.  December 16, 2016 through Jan 19, 2017.
I first blogged about it  HERE.  
Funny I didn't think we had enough so I cut some more white squares and now I still have scraps.  
We got the top done and and I started quilting it HERE.
And then I posted the finish HERE.   Which is pictured above. 
The final size of this ended up being around 48 x 65.   
I have not always been good about scrappy quilts - because I want them to match - but have found that you can match  your scraps and still make it scrappy.  
Next up to finish for scrappy and I will be linking it up later is another baggy of squares given to me a few years ago.  On November 19, 2016, I started piecing these squares together. So I just fit into the date range of the scrap challenge.  Now I need to finish them to link up. 
The scrap challenge is going on over at Persimon Dreams Blog Here.   
Have a blessed day!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Frosty and Babies

A couple of posts ago I shared that I was having trouble quilting a table topper. This was something I needed for a craft fair for one of our guilds. I posted about it here.   So I ditched that and started over on a whole new item.  Welcome Frosty - 

As you can see - Frosty is going much better.
It just needs the hand stitching of the binding and Frosty is ready for the craft fair. 

Backing up a little to Thursday - we had our last meeting of the season for the Big Guild.  Colorado River Quilters.  (CRQ)  Pictured below are some of the guild members with their finished block that I taught them at the end of April. 
Yesterday I finished the 5 sets of preemie baby pajamas that will be sent to Pakistan.  I think I may have said Nigeria before that was incorrect.  

I also got a couple of pillow cases done for the labyrinth quilt along with it's binding prepared and ready to put on, along with another binding prepared for a friends quilt that I'm helping with.  That will be next on my list when I get back in my sewing room.  For now I'm going to kick back and do some hand stitching and watch TV with my honey.  
Have a Blessed day!   Lynn 

Monday, May 15, 2017

Little Bits

I have to say this last week was a whole lot more productive than the week before. LOL
For one thing I was able to get my Labyrinth quilt to the long armer. 
But let me back up a little -  Last Monday I was able to go get my "new to me"  Koala cabinet which involved a whole lot more of cleaning and re-organizing.  Can you say bins galore. Here's it's opening.....

  Here was the old view with old machine and table.  
Old view of the cutting table 
New view - not a lot of difference. 

Not that you can see the corner to the right of this picture - because it was messy I usually cut it out of pictures.  But it is much better now - see. 
Can you tell our puppies like to be with Mom in the sewing room.  They have several beds that I trade out.   

Once that was organized and set up I was ready to sew again - Yay!  
I got the back put together for my labyrinth quilt so I could take it to the quilter.  (pictured above) 
 I am having her do an all over design but instead of curvy meandering or swirls, it's a sort of geometric meander.  I tried to see if I could find a picture of it on the internet but I couldn't find.  Anyway we thought it would look good on it and if's something different. 
I also got this months Dresden plates  done.  These are from Quilt Doodle Doodles Blog

 And I have started making some pajama's for preemie babies in Nigeria.  A missionary came to my friends church and said they needed some - so I offered to help.  This is one of the tops. I have two sets done and am shooting for 5 or more.  I am going to be working a little more on these today.  I still need to figure out a closure for the tops.

And with that I'm going to go sew some more of the pajama's and see what else I can get done. I'm feeling wonderful about getting stuff done again, hope you have a wonderful day.  
Blessings - Lynn 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monkey Wrenched

I think I threw a wrench in it.  

I was so excited to get the top of my Labyrinth Walk quilt done on May 1st that I was hoping the rest of the month would be as productive.  Well I have had issues getting sewing time and stuff done ever since.  
Tuesday we went to the gym and then spent the rest of the day running errands and did some shopping.  It was a very good and productive day, however there was no sewing.  Wednesday I tried to get some sewing done and that's when I ran into some problems.  I need to make something out of this piece of fabric as a contribution to the craft fair for one of the guilds.

My idea was that I could make a table topper out of it or I could cut it in quarters and make place mats out of it.  So in my infinite wisdom I thought I'd quilt it whole and then I could cut and trim it and bind it.  Well I didn't have a piece of batting that big with out breaking into my quilt size ones.  So I had to pieced some together - that should have been a sign. 
Then I made some little practice sandwiches.  When I was working with them I was having trouble with some peek a boo's and eyelashes on the back.  So I looked in the manual and adjusted the tension and when I felt it was all better, I started in on the main event.  That all went well until I had to rewind the bobbin.  I think it was a combination of the bobbin not being wound tight and I think when I was going around the corners of my meandering I sped up my hands.  Regardless this was the result.  

Quilting is not where you want to have thick full eyelashes.  :)   At that point I was irritated and disgusted and out of that spool of thread.  So I stopped.  Then with my schedule and already planned events for the rest of the week, I have not had a chance to get back into my sewing room to do any more sewing until yesterday.  I should have jumped in and ripped out the bobbles but....  I needed to make a sample the guilds next workshop which is a double potholder. That and the fact that I didn't want to play the rip out game.  Cutting out went well and I used my walking foot to do some straight line quilting (not chancing bobbles)  and then when I was trying to sew all the layers together it kept sliding on me.  Well I'm done with all this monkey wrenched sewing - it needs to Stop now.     

I persevered and was able to finish the machine sewing of the double pot holder.  Whew - I needed something to go right with my sewing.  I worked a little on getting the hand sewing of the binding done last night and only have a little bit to go to finish. 

Today I am going to work a little on my next Dresden plate applique that I'm doing from Quilt Doodle Doodles Blog.  Then I'm going to tear my sewing room apart to make room for my new to me koala cabinet.  I will share pictures when I get it all set up and organized - probably in a couple days.  Till then - no more monkey wrenches, only good sewing opportunities.  
Have a Blessed Day!   Lynn 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Amazing One for One

I hope that the saying how you start is how you finish is correct.  I had a great start to my sewing month.  I was able to get the last two borders on my Labyrinth Walk quilt and finish the top.  Which was one of my goals so that is "One day - One goal".   
It is so large 108 x 98, that is was hard trying to get a picture of the outer borders.  After that I worked on my Bag Lady embroidery, and got a good start on that also.  Lets hope the rest of the month goes the same and maybe my goals will all get met.  Today I am going to work on the Dresden applique, and the charity welcome bags.   
Have a great day!

Monday, May 1, 2017

May there be Sewing

It's that time again - time to bring out the score card and the wish lists.  How did I do?
1. Bag Lady #4  Gertrude - Vickie - I of course need to finish last months first.  :)
So here they both are -  March - Milicent/Cheryl. 
 April's Bag Lady - Gertrude/Vickie

2.  UFO's 
   2a.    APQ   UFO # 11.  This is "Pennies from Heaven"  -  No Progress!
   2b.   Bear Quilt - Work on it - "Make Progress"  -   No Progress! 

3.   Goal Met: CRQ Guild workshop - Need to finish instructions and make sample props.  "Sweet Tweet" 
4.  Goal Met:  Fuse and top stitch the next pictures on the Dresden Plate BOM from Quilt Doodle Doodles.   Not sure what they will be.  :)   A chicken and a cow.  

5.  Goal Met:  Charity - CRQ: Guild - Homeless Travel Kit.  

5B - Charity - SNR Guild - Dog Beds.  We completed 24.  I sewed 7 and then spent 4 hours cutting scraps for stuffing them.  
6.  Goal Met:  Labyrinth Walk Quilt. I am taking a class on the 6th to make this quilt.  -  I didn't post a goal for this - typically if I'm taking a class I say "Start" it - So I'll say I got a good start  on it   :)  I am adding 3 additional borders to make it king size.  I only have 2 more to go.  

I didn't work on my UFO's at all this month - but I did get lots done.   So I'm pretty pleased with it.   I also had a day where I made a bunch of little items that weren't on my goal list.  You can read about them here.

  Okay well what is up for this month
1. Bag Lady #5  Hildigard/Katie

2.  UFO'S:  
  2A  APQ UFO # 2  - Ruby Red Dot.  Starting Status all blocks are done and some of the sashing blocks are sewn together.  - Goal is make progress. 
  2B  Bears -  Goal - make progress - get some of the grasss and trees placed on background. 
3.  Dresden Plates - Lilacs and Angel Food Cake.  Goal:  Fuse and top stitch these blocks. Here are the pictures from the pattern. I am doing mine in brights. 
4.  Charity  
    4A  SNR Guild - More Dog Beds  (Pictured Above) 
    4B  CRQ Guild  - Welcome bags for new Teachers  Pictures later.

5.  Labyrinth Quilt - Finish the top.  (Pictured above)  Bonus points if I can get it pinned and start quilting.

6.  SNR Guild Craft Fair - Each member was given a bundle of fabric to make something to be sold at the craft fair next fall.  This is the fabric I was given.  I think I'll make a table topper or 4 place mats.  Anyway I need to make something with it and turn it in.  
 I think that is enough for this month.  I know I will be doing little extra's that come along - so those can be my bonus points.  :)  
I'm going to quit talking about all this and get at it.  Have a great day and month. 
Blessings -  Lynn 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...