Monday, May 13, 2019

Making the Cut

I have been doing a lot more cutting than sewing.  Aside from my Bakers Dozen of quilting and finishes I want to get done in the next 6 months, I have other UFO'S and scrap busting I want to accomplish.  
My next retreat is coming up in a month, and retreats are often times I start a new quilt top - then I think great another top that will need to be quilted.  So while I was doing some organizing in my sewing room (no I'm not done - ugh) I found some old ufo's.  (like I needed more ufo's than the ones I know about ha ha) 
Any way I found two patriotic ufo's that I started years ago.  One,  I had started cutting out a Quilts of Valor Mystery - I had Clue 1 and 2 cut... a ton of 2 1/2" Squares and some 3 1/2" strips. 
  Well it's been long enough now that I can look at the finished quilt.  Uh - No!  It ended up being a really big log cabin quilt, I don't do log cabins well.  So now what do I do with all of these red, cream and blue squares?   Here's what I came up with.
 I'm using the "On Point" method to make 11" Squares.

then framing them and sashing with pinwheel cornerstones. 
 That is Project #1. These little pinwheels could take me some time so this might be enough for the whole retreat.  If I get done or bored with that one - here's Project #2 of the patriotic ufo's I found. Scrappy Friendship Stars.  I had 6 sewn and about 10 more cut and lots of  scraps of patriotic fabric in the bag.   

I've been cutting, cutting cutting.  :) Paired up with matching colors - I have separated with scraps of paper. 
I think I have enough to make 42 blocks 6 x 7.  They are 9" blocks so with a border or two it should make a good size lap or even a twin size. 
These two will accomplish a couple things, I'm getting ufo's done and I'm using up some scraps and stash. 
Speaking of using up stash. - if all of that wasn't enough to keep me busy at the retreat, and I'm sure it is.  I have cut out some pillow cases. 
Not sure what I'll do with them, but it's using up fabric I don't have another use for.  I may donate them to be sold in the quilt show boutique.
But wait there's more - Guess what else I found, another old UFO.
There are 8 completed blocks - 4 to go. I may or may not put the fancy border on the outside.  It involves quarter square triangles and I'm not sure I want to do them or make the quilt that big. Pattern says it finishes at 60 x 74.  The ribbon border is 4 1/2" so that would take 9" off .  51 x 65.  We'll see.   
So here's the good the bad and the some ugly.  
* I now know what I'm going to work on for the retreat in June and possibly in August.
* I'm working towards getting UFO's done instead of starting all new projects. 
* I'm using up some stash an some scraps.
* I'ts creating more tops I'll need to Quilt.  
* I'm still not getting to the new projects I'm itching to start.
**  There's still way too many UFO's, Scraps and Stash left.  :( 
Ha Ha.  
Okay and for my final little part of this post.  Now that things are settling down again - I'm working in some of our low carb recipes again.  This morning I made zucchini fritters with eggs.  Bacon for hubby and a little piece of ham for me. 

For tonight's dinner I think I'll make a Mexican casserole that will be kind of like a Tamale Pie but with cauliflower rice crust instead of corn meal Polenta.  
I'll let you know how it turns out.  
Have a Blessed day.  

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