Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2016 the 10,000 Foot View

Welcome 2016

Here's a summary of what I would like to do for the up coming year.  I will write another post to recap my monthly goals for December and what goals I have fFr January specifically, however this is the "10,000 foot view" to capture in general what I want to do this year.  I will also be linking up to "Tuesday Archives" with Val.  Thanks Val for hosting this all year.

I've seen where people have a catch phrase or word for the year - Well this year one came to me and I wasn't even trying - so I guess it's the word for me.  :)


It really was strange how it just came to me - but there it is.  So what does that mean for me? 

1.  More - Diligent.  I want to stick to things.  I'm a great planner and starter - but I want to be a better finisher. 

2.  More - Faithful.  That can sound bad, but it's not what you may think.  It kinda builds on number one.  I want to stick to what I start.  I want to be faithful to what I start and see it through. Also, I want to be more faithful to dig into the word of God, be more faithful to consult God and what He wants for my life.  And lastly,  be more faithful to blog about it on my other blog.   

3. More Present.  I am so very guilty of looking forward and planning so much that I don't enjoy what I'm working on now or who I'm with.  I get too wrapped up in what I think needs to be done that I loose sight of what I'm doing right now.  So I want to be present in the moment of whatever I am doing. 

4.  More Finishes.  Well that one is a goal every year - but I'm hoping that with some of the other "Mores" I'm listing this one will just fall into place.  Hey a girl can hope can't she?  And if I'm over 50 can I still call myself a girl?  I guess so - my blog my rules.  :)  

5.  More Creativity.  I want to step out of my box and create more.  I had a pattern published locally this last year and have been told they will accept more I just need to create them.  So I definitely want to create them.  

There are so many things that will fall under each of these 5 categories - and the "plan-a-lotamus" in me doesn't stop - but I'm hoping to reflect on this list and have it help me stay grounded and focused.

Here are a few of the items I'm wanting to start, finish, progress on and work with in the new year.  


Finish "Daisy Day's" Quilt

Start this. 

Make this. 

Start this.

Make progress on this.

Finish Quilting this. 

Make progress on this. 

Make progress on this Wool Crazy and Ark Crazy.

Quilt this. 

Wool Felt pattern I designed.  Create More Wool Felt patterns.

This top is done just need to quilt. 

Need to quilt. 

Needs to be quilted.

Needs to be quilted.

Want to make progress on this.  "Porch Time" Quilt. 

Want to make progress on this. "Folk Art Gathering" Quilt. 

This was a charity quilt - I want to make 4 this year - 2 for each guild. 
Not pictured - but want to work on Christmas and Birthday gift items a little each month so I'm not so frazzled in November.  :)  

Make serious progress on my "Woodsy Quilt" that I'm making for my Sister and Brother-in-law.  This is one of two bears that will be the center of the quilt.  

This is just a scattering of all I really want to do -  I have embroidery, wool applique, needle turn applique, UFO's and quilting that I want to do for the year.  But I hope it gives you an idea of the range of things I want to accomplish this year. 

You'll have to come back and visit each month to see how well I'm doing with all of this.  
Have a Blessed Day - 


  1. First of are very welcome. I enjoy hosting Tuesday Archives and so enjoy our group of paritipators. My Favorites, Porch Time and Folk Gatherin....are so my style (Okay one of my styles!) LOL!! Can you email me where you got them...looking forward to watching your progress on all of these. :)

  2. I'm guilty of planning and not doing too but because you like to plan you've got a head start! For each thing you want to do, also "plan" (just) the first or next step. When you finish that step, plan the next. Once we get to the doing part, we usually can't be stopped but we need to focus on that first/next step to get there!


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...