Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bye Bye 2015 Goals Met and Set

Well I've had a lot of posts lately and that is good.  I posted yesterday about my 2016 goals in an overview but not specific.  I have to have it broken down by each month or it seems to overwhelming and I get side tracked too easily.  So how did I do for December - really good actually.

December Goals

1.   Keep Blogging more and more.  Try for 2 times a week - 8 times a month.  Met - I got a lot of posts in.

2.  Continue progress on Bears.  Met - I did I did and I am so happy.  Finally I am making progress on this Woodsy quilt that I am happy with.  

Here's where I started - 

Here's what I got completed!  So yes progress has been made. 

I have completed bear #1 and now am gearing up for bear #2.  :)

3.  Finish Bethlehem wall hanging.  I have the top done and the backing on.  Just need to blanket stitch around the whole thing and put hanging tabs on it.  Met - All done with hanging Tabs and all. 

4.  Finish Chicken Wall hanging for friends Christmas present.  I've been doing the top stitching this week in the evenings and  I have the top done now so just need to quilt and bind.  I need to have it ready by the December Business meeting which is only a week away though.  So gotta get cooking.  
Met - and she loved it. 
Here it is finished. 

5.  Finish Ornaments for friends  - Again need to get them done by next week.  Met - I pulled it off in time. 

This isn't all of them but several.  

6.  Finish Challenge quilt for CRQ quilt show.  It's due by mid month.  I need to finish the hand stitching of center then attach borders, quilt and bind. The center is wool applique.   Met! 

I got it quilted and labeled and turned in on time.  I think if you click it you can see the quilting on it.

7.  Mixer Cover.  I bought my Sister some fabric that I thought was cute - and thankfully she did too.  We raised sheep when we were growing up so for some reason we are drawn to cute lamb or sheep stuff.  I was going to make her a travel bag but she liked it so much she wants it to show and thought of a cover for her Kitchen Aid Mixer. I am waiting on measurements so I at least want to start it.  Bonus points if I can finish it.  Zoom in if you can - Isn't that the cutest?   Met and Bonus points - it's done! 

It is reversible!  

8.  Write fabric requirements for January's SNR Project -the Calendar Cozy pictured above.  Needs to be done by December  meeting in a week.     Done - I actually didn't need it until the January meeting - but it is done. 
Bonus points!

No other Bonus Points were achieved. 

1. Write instructions for Calendar cozy.  Supply list due mid December, instructions due mid January
2.  Make the Armchair Pin Cushion and write supply requirements and instructions
3. Design Spring wool felt wall hanging and write supply requirements and instructions
4. Make lap quilt and write supply requirements and instructions. 

January Goals

On to a new month and new goals

1. Continue to blog more.   If I keep up with December, no problem

2. Mystery Monday is resuming for January so I will say complete whatever that is. 

3. Dolls in a Bag - I originally was making my dolls in a bag for the February quilt show. Well I've sold almost all I made, so I need to replenish them.  I want to have 10-12 dolls ready for the Quilt Show Boutique so I want to have them done by end of this month.  Also I am having trouble getting the same baby dolls so I will need to adjust the clothing a little to accommodate the new dolls.  They have to be done by end of month so this is my big focus for the month.  

4. Quilt 2 of the 5 quilts I have already sandwiched.  I'm thinking these two but reserve teh right ot change my mind on which ones. 

 I have a poinsettia quilt design I want to use on this. 

Not sure what I want to do on this one yet - but with both of them being small I should be able to finish. 

5.  Continue on Woodsy Quilt - Start next Bear.  I will be doing a mirror image of the bear so I went and got my pattern reversed so I can start tracing the fusible.  I will be adjusting the borders and the trees to be able to put the two bears together.  Anyway goal is to get a good start on tracing the 2nd bear onto fusible.  Also - I want to make progress on UFO's each month.  This will be a busy month so this will double as UFO progress. 

6.  In my efforts to not let gifts and holidays gang up on me, I want to work on or finish one gift/holiday item each month.  This month I will finish these Ornament Wall hangings. 

7.  New - I really don't need to be starting new things, I have plenty of UFO's that need to be finished.  However as we all know not starting something new doesn't work for quilters either. :)  I have so many patterns and kits that I want to make - so I'm going to try to do my new stuff - but controlled. 
This month I am going to start a quilt for our grandson Caleb.  His Birthday is in March so I want to get it done by then. I have a couple of train patterns  that I want to incorporatate along with some train material and a panel that I'm using on the back. I am also going to do some trains from my friends Accu Go Cutter. I don't need to finish just start. 

8.   Guild Projects and Charity Projects - I need to keep going on guild projects so I am ahead of them.  I have an arm chair pincushion that I want to make for February or March project.  I need to get that started, and the instructions started.  No picture yet - Sorry.  :)

 Bonus Points - 

If I can get what I want to get done above - I will work on more gifts and UFO's. All people quilts is doing their UFO busting again so I will use their random number to pick which UFO I work on.  If I do this long enough maybe I can get some of these off the list.  :) 

I'll keep you posted which UFO is picked and if I get a chance to work on it. 

Hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve and a Blessed New Year.  
Talk to you Next Year
Blessings, Lynn 


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