Saturday, December 12, 2015

SNR Christmas

The Christmas party was so much fun and way more relaxed than I gave it credit.  So funny - and not -  how I got myself all worked up for nothing.  Since this was my first year of being in the guild, this was my first Christmas party with them and when they said hand made I took it seriously.  I was so concerned about making sure it was wonderful (translates to flawless).  But I would say 80+ % of the gifts had something that was bought either in part or in whole as the gift.  And I would say 1/3 to 1/2 of them had gift certificates.   Wish I would have known that was an option, it would have saved me from a day of torment.  See my previous post about hitting the wall.  :)

The last picture is a little blurry but can you see all the food on the back table - wow.  

I ended up taking one of my doll bags for my hand made gift and the lady that got it was so excited.  I prayed on the way there it would go to someone that would like it, and it did.  Then the lady in the light green top on left side of bottom picture ordered 3 doll bags for Christmas.  Yay!  So awesome how God turned my self induced concern into a blessing.   I already had all the colors she wanted made up and will be delivering them to her on the 17th. 
After the party was over and I got home it was late and by the time we wound down and went to bed it was after Midnight.  
Wednesday we had some errands to run and did some house cleaning and then just relaxed. 
Thursday was low key as well and I worked on my challenge quilt and got some more of the hand stitching done. 
Friday I went to the Cottage and finished the hand stitching on my challenge quilt so now it's just a matter of sewing on the borders, sandwiching and quilting.  
Today (Saturday) We had our breakfast, I finished our Christmas cards and then we went for our walk. We took our cards with us and were going to walk to the post office but ran into a mail carrier and she accepted them from us so we turned and went back to our regular route that we walk.  

As for my challenge quilt -  I did get the borders on and started the quilting.  I have the center block done.  I did an echo around the wool center then did spirals in the negative space.  I think you can click on the picture and zoom in.  

Now I need to figure out what I'm going to do on the borders.  In the top and bottom borders I can echo the Stars - but I haven't totally decided on the side borders.  

Tomorrow (Sunday) I will be quilting something in the borders.  I need to have this quilt done by Thursday - so heat is on.  :) 

Hoping to have the quilting finished tomorrow and will post the pictures.  
Have a blessed evening. 

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