Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Wall

I think I'm too creative for my own good. You know how it is when you make a plan, then you second guess yourself or you come up with a better plan.  Doesn't always work the way you want it to.   I have come to the conclusion that I'm a great "Plan-a-lot-a-mus"  but I need to do a little more less planning and a little more doing.  :)  Let me lead you thru the garden.  Because if you know me, I can not only lead you thru the garden in a story, I can take you on a road trip.  LOL

On Friday I delivered the Blue Doll in a bag to Sheri then went on to the cottage to sew on the Bethlehem wall hanging.  I am blanket stitching the backing to it around the sides.  I got almost one side done, before it was time for lunch and time to decorate for the annual Stitch N Rippit's Christmas party.
Annette the owner of the cottage has so many decorations - it's amazing.  So we dusted and cleaned and swept and mopped and the started laying out decorations.

Doesn't it look festive?  We gave all of our decorations to our daughter before we moved.  Guess I need to start collecting again.  

Then Saturday I went to "Strip Club" at the quilt shop.  It's a monthly club that gets together and Sheri shows us how to make a quilt out of strips.  The class is only $5. and includes the pattern and demonstration.  Well this month she had small projects, a table runner or a table topper.  So I decided I would give it a try.  The table topper looked kind of like poinsettia's and I thought that would make a great present for the gift exchange for the Christmas party. 

 So I ask Sheri how long it took her to whip up the two tops that she had made, she said she made both tops in one day with interruptions.  Okay great - factor in that I'm not as fast as she is and that I don't have the special ruler that she used (they only had 5 and I missed getting one)  but I have templates and then the fact that I will need to quilt and bind it also.   2+2+ 35 carry the 6.... ha ha   Yep I have  rest of Saturday,  Sunday Monday and Tuesday morning.  I can do it.   
So I worked on it the rest of Saturday - and on Sunday - had a couple of hiccups.  I thought I was doing everything right but my black didn't come in the center like I wanted so I had to adjust the half square triangles too.  

But it worked and it was still pretty.  And by Sunday evening I had it to this point - 

Yay  - now all I have to do it quilt and bind and I still have Monday and Tuesday morning to do it. 

Monday came - we had things that we needed to get done - errands to run.  And I knew if we left the house it would be several hours before we returned.  So I tried to just leave it alone and enjoy the time while we were getting stuff done. And told myself that no matter what time we got home I would have to stay up until Midnight to get it done.  Because now - the other options that I had for a handmade gift would take me just as long to finish as quilting and binding this table topper.   
We get home after 5pm I make a salad and some soup - be eat and now it's after 6.  I go in and my backing isn't big enough.  What I bought extra.  I looked for an alternate black - nope no luck.  So I have to piece a the back on this little topper.  Then I get it ready and I'm done pinning it and
It was almost 8 pm and I just couldn't do it - I couldn't figure out how I wanted to quilt it - I'm trying to calculate how much longer it's going to take me.  I can't decide on a color to quilt it with.   And so I said enough.  I looked around at what alternates I had to give as a gift and decided one of my Dolls in a Bag would have to work.  Then prayed someone that would love it,  would get it.  :)  

I pondered my little issue that I had - and wondered how someone that plans as much as I do can run into these situations of not having enough time.  Because as all of this is happening I also see two other things that the deadlines are fast approaching on and not sure if  I will be able to meet them.  It's like I have all this time and then poof - times up.  I've come up with a couple of ideas that I think are factors.  One I get too creative and want to do too many things.  I used to be so honest with myself about how much time something would take and even factor in that I may have life interrupt and take one of my sew days away (Monday) - so I need to go back to that.  And then the other thing I have realized is although my planning is wonderful - I need to plan less and do more.  

Have a Blessed Day!  

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