Sunday, December 20, 2015

Busy and Fun

The last few days have been busy and fun.  I had a couple of deadlines to make, 3 potlucks, and some goals to knock off the list.  I am happy to say - it all came together and I'm on the home stretch. So lets see - when I left off last I had finished the quilting on my challenge quilt and just needed to hand stitch the binding and put a label on it, that was on Sunday.
Monday was a little of a low key day, we did our 3 mile walk, (try to do that any day I'm not leaving for a sewing event) then we had lunch and took a nap.  Shhh don't tell anyone :)  then I continued on with the ornaments I was making to give to my quilty friends.  And I made a big green salad because I was taking lunch in for all my Tuesday sewing buddies at the quilt shop.
Tuesday I went to the shop for Open Sew and finished the binding on the challenge quilt.  I took in lunch for everyone  Hot dogs, salad, chips and cookies.  It was fun and my little present to them.  After I got home I made a label for the challenge quilt and got it sewn on.
Wednesday was another home day so we did out walk.  Then I got the applications ready for the other quilts I wanted to put in the February quilt show.  My Turtles:
And Sweet Land of Liberty:

Then I continued on with the ornaments.

Thursday - was my CRQ guild meeting and potluck (2nd big lunch of the week).  Today was the day to turn in the challenge quilt and the applications for the other quilts to be in the quilt show.  I also had 3 "Dolls in a Bag" that I needed to deliver that were ordered at the other guild meeting.  
Here are the three she got.   

Then once the meeting was over and all was cleaned up I came home.   Hubby and I had a couple of errands to run so we did those, stopped and saw our friends at the quilt shop and then we went to the 2 for 1 buffet at one of the casinos.  
Friday was another home day - so we did our walk and I finished the ornaments.  Whew - finally finished them.  And then made a macaroni salad for the potluck on Saturday.   Yep - potluck #3.  :) 
Saturday was Open Sew / Potluck day and the day that I got to hand out all my little Ornaments.  Yeah!  

There were about 16 total but here is a group of them.  

While I was there I finished my wool wall hanging "Bethlehem" that is for my Sister. 

So as a recap - I got the challenge quilt done, applications for other quilts done, Bethlehem done,  Ornaments done, and got the Supply list ready for the January SNR Workshop.  

Today - Sunday - We've taken our walk and had lunch already, now I need to get busy and get the next Doll Bag done.  Needs to be finished by Tuesday.  When I get that done, I'll be starting on the the mixer cover.  That however may not happen until tomorrow or Tuesday.   

I'll let you know How I do - Until then have a very Blessed Day!  

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