Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday Take Two

For the last couple of days I've been working on my UFO for the month - "Wool Crazy" that I started several years ago - hence UFO.  I forgot how much I enjoyed this.  Funny these projects get put away and then we pull them back out and have fun with them - And wonder why they got put aside  but new things come along and we go "oh shiney thing"  ha ha  
So here's some progress I've been making.  

There are lots of french/colonial knots - but It was fun decorating my fence.  

Because I was working so hard to get the quilt top done for Peacefull Holiday I didn't get a chance to pull this out until the last couple of days so I'm kind of hoping that it comes up as my UFO for next month as well.  

I've also been putting together some Scavenger Hunt blocks.  They are fused but still need to be top stitched. 

Hard to see because the stitching isn't done yet however it is a girl holding a "Hankie",  and a "Spool of Thread" and standing on a "Plaid" rug.   


Next is a basket of "Apples" with the "Roman Numeral 9" on it all on fabric that has "Dragon Flies" on it.  

And for the last of the 10 Scavenger Hunt Blocks - "Zig Zag - Sewing Tool or Notion and Acorns"  

Friday night we had major thunderstorms (which I love) and lightening and rain.  :)  This storm however lasted a little longer than they normally do and some places got hit pretty hard.  That being said, the quilt shop where I was going to teach the 2nd installment of Peacefull Holiday did not have power so our class was rescheduled for today.   Good news is - I'm all ready to go.  

I only have a couple of days to finish my goals up for the month and I have feeling..... I am going to be a little shy of making them.  And since I will be gone for a few hours today doing the class - I'm sure I'm going to be short.  

That's okay, I've have fun stitching and playing and that's all that matters. 

Have a blessed day - Lynn 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Bee's and Farms

This Morning I'll be teaching the 2nd installment of the Peaceful Holiday Block of the month.   It is the quilt I proudly displayed in my last post titled "Ta-Done".  

So Since I got that finished I was able to spend a little time trying to catch up on some of my other goals I wanted to accomplish this month.  Part of them was to prep all of the blocks for the Farmhouse threads Harvest Mystery BOW.  Here are two more the blocks for that.

This finishes up their blocks for this month and there is only one more block to this quilt.  I also worked on prepping blocks for the Moda Bakeshop Bee-Utiful QAL

And I got the next block for the Buttermilk Basin "Let it Snow" BOM.  

Now I'm working on getting the Bee-Utiful blocks stitched.  I have 1 done and another 1/2 done which I hope to be showing you tonight or tomorrow.  

Well better get going - have a blessed day!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Yesterday I rearranged my sewing room before doing my sewing....
I kinda knew I would do that - even though I tried to say I wouldn't. But I did get the borders on the quilt - and the top is done.  YAY!

Now I can get back to my other sewing - I am so behind on my other goals.  Ha ha!  I do have a week left to work on them so I guess we'll see how I do.

I have to say it makes me wonder if I stayed really focused could I get one of my other UFO's done in a couple months.  In an argument on this -  a bunch of my big UFO's involve a ton of hand work and so that makes it go much slower.  I'd like to see if I could do that - I don't know if it's going to happen - but a great idea.  

Today is our anniversary and we are planning on going to Las Vegas to Ikea.  We want to look for some shelves and a bookcase and some lamps. A little more organizing of my sewing room.  :)  Yay!
Hope you have a Blessed Day - Lynn 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Getting There

Oh so close.... It just needs the last border. Yay!  
Here is where I stopped for the day and where I'll pick up tomorrow morning. 

As I got to this point - the itch to rearrange my sewing room again flaired.  I have discovered that even though I am starting to build my design wall - 
1. It's not big enough .... 
2. I can't back up enough in the spot it is at to take a picure of it.  

So as I said the rearranging bug is on fire.   BUT - WAIT ..... I must stay focused for a little bit longer and get that last border on, then I can rearrange quickly so I can properly hang and photo my finish.  :) 
I'll check in soon and let you know what all I get done on it. 
Blessings,   Lynn 

Weekly Recap

If I had posted each day - it might have been a little more exciting, but as I look over our last week- I can also see why I didn't post each day.  LOL.  

There has been Some cleaning - 

Wish I looked like this when I clean - it's way different.  :)

And some Cooking - 

 and more cooking and more cleaning and errands and blah blah blah. 

Monday - I worked on the Block of the month doing the rest of the fusing of the applique.  

Tuesday -  We had lunch with some friends at the neighborhood Mexican Restarant "Taco Tuesday" $1.00 Taco's.  Then we took a drive to Lake Havasu to see our other friends, and by the time we visited and started home it was dinner time so we stopped along the way at a little casino had a nacho and played a little bit and so when we got home it was pretty late.  

Wednesday - Hubby golfed again and I did quite a bit of cleaning, then got things ready for a nice meal and by the time I did all that I wasn't sure if I wanted to sew or not but did get going on the top stitching of the block of the month and was able to get a fair amount of it done on the house blocks.  

Thursday - Hubby had a follow up Dr. Appointment early so we did that and then we took me to breakfast.  When we got done with that I had a bunch of errands to run for the upcoming weekend.  When we got home I needed to look up a pattern for a class I was teaching and tore thru my sewing room trying to find that.  Hmmm I hate when that happens.  Finally found it and figured I'd start getting things ready for the next couple of days.  We were having another two day at the Cottage.  So I started pulling stuff together that I wanted to work on and you would have thought I was going to be gone a week.  ha ha.  

Friday - At the cottage - I put borders on and quilted the little wall hanging for our October workshop.  Just need to hand stitch the binding. 

Then I started working on my Row by Row kit from "The Christmas Goose" in Las Vegas.   
Isn't it cute? 

Saturday - We made a notebook cover - which took me way too long. ha ha Then I started working on the Row by Row kit again.   I have all my little pieces fused and ready to cut out.

 We had lots of fun visiting, eating and doing some sewing.  :)  Kinda like a mini retreat. 
Well Today is another day - I want to get back on the block of the month and see if I can get it finished.  I need to finish the topstitching and then assemble.  I'll let you know how it goes. 
Blessings,   Lynn 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Birthday GIrl

Happy Birthday Miss Betty!

Betty and I became friends about 4 years ago through our love for sewing and quilting and I'm happy to say that she is one of my very best friends. We are in contact every single day through text, email or phone. I don't have a lot of pictures of my friend - in part because we have never met in person.  Some day, we will and I'm sure there will be a whole lot of hugging going on.  

Betty a few years back was blessed to be part of a movie called "Great Balls of Fire" with Jerry Lee Lewis.  She is the dancer in the black with white polka dot dress. How fun is that?  

And here is my sweet friend with her Granddaughter and Great Grandson and Great Granddaughter. 

And what would a Birthday be with out presents.  She loves Butterflies and Lady Bugs so here is one of my Armchair Pincushions, and a tote bag with lady bugs. 

It has storage underneath and I hid a couple of thimbles in there for her. 

With inside pockets, and I put a couple of fat quarters in there.  I gave seek peeks of this a couple months back. :)

Here are the fat quarters and thimbles that were little added goodies. 


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sticky Business

I was so happy to be able to get some "Steam a Seam" fusible from my friend so I could continue on with my BOM Peaceful Holiday.  So as soon as I could I got busy tracing trees and curtains and wreaths.

But in reality before I actually ironed it on to the appropriate colors of fabric that you see above I took pause to do some cooking.  I made a pot of beans from dried beans.  I made home made enchilada sauce, cooked some rice, cooked some chicken and then assembled some chicken enchiladas and cheese enchilada's into individual meals for hubby and I.  

Then there was the clean up.  Whew.   I didn't take a picture of that - but I have been called Hurricane Jane when I cook if that helps to give you a visual.  LOL.  So when I was done with that I did some other housekeeping chores and hit the shower.  By the time I was done with that, Hubby was home and we dug into our little meals.  Yes they were good - and yes we have left overs. 

After lunch I took a little nap before doing the fusing  that is pictured above and was able to get part of a house strip fused before I called it quits for the night. 

It's my plan to work on it more tomorrow - and hopefully I can get the rest of the fusing done. 
Hope you've had a great day

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Reporting In

I reallly do hate it when I let so many days go by cause then I have to back up and figure out where I left off.  Okay so my last post of progress had to do with the Peaceful Holiday  BOM that I'm teaching and making the shop sample for.   When I left off I had the trains fused and needed to topstitch.  I needed more fusible so I could continue on with the houses.
So the Friday the 5th I went to the Cottage for the first time in a month and that was so fun - but you know how it is when you haven't seen your friends in a while - you visit more than sew.  Oh well it was good to catch up.
I did start stitching this block from the Farmhouse Threads Mystery Harvest BOW.   I did not get very far.

After I left there I stopped by the Quilt shop to see if they had gotten any more fusible - no they had not.  But I did put my trains on the design wall to see how they looked against the center block.  Remember the topstitching is not done. 

It's looking good together.  :)  

So Saturday I top stitched the trains and sewed them to the their corners and the border underneath it.  

Sunday I took the day off of the BOM and Prepped another of the Farmhouse Thread Blocks.  

This is the picture from the pattern, Below is my prepped Block. 

I also put together this block for an upcoming workshop that we are doing at one of our guilds.  It is done in Wooly Flannel. 
The President hand stitched hers and wanted me to do a sample with machine sttiching. 

I also Prepped the next two blocks for the Bee-Utiful QAL.  

Monday - I got back to work on the BOM.  I am still waiting on the fusible so I started working on piecing the corner blocks.  

I was able to complete one before days end and then lots of little moving parts.  :)   

Tuesday we had a lunch date with our neighbor and friend that watched our puppies while we were on vacation, but I spent a couple of hours trimming flying geese before we left.  That was all I got done in the sewing room - the rest of the day was spent with our friend.  

Wednesday  - I was able to finish the corner blocks and started tracing some more of the applique for the BOM on some fusible I picked up at JoAnn's.   

Thursday - I finished the applique on one row of the Houses - They will need to be topstitched. 

Friday the 12th - Wow I've covered a week.  :)  It was Cottage day again.  Well I forgot that I said I would help cut out the kits for the Wooly flannel little house project (pictured above) So we spent a couple hours doing that.  Then when we were done with that I worked on a little bit of embroidery from one of my Bee-Utiful blocks - nothing huge there.   However I have finished two blocks.

 I also had time to Prep Block 16

Today - Saturday 13th.  
Well Today was an extra sew day at the Cottage.  There were only a few of us but when I got there our friend Cheryl brought supplies for each of us to make little pouches or purses.  

Here is mine - It still needs a button - and I will find one tomorrow to finish it off.  

Once I finished that it was time for lunch so we had lunch and when we got done with that I prepped my next block for the Farmhouse Threads Mystery BOM.  

Isn't this darling?  

So after I got done with that, I just worked on doing more stitchin on the other scareman pictured above.   And then I came home.  

Tomorrow I think my hubby is golfing again, So I will sew a button on the pouch and then get back onto the BOM.  I borrowed some fusible from Cheryl so I could try and finish up.  I want to get this top done.  :)  
 That's it for now.  
Have a Blessed day! 

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...