Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sticky Business

I was so happy to be able to get some "Steam a Seam" fusible from my friend so I could continue on with my BOM Peaceful Holiday.  So as soon as I could I got busy tracing trees and curtains and wreaths.

But in reality before I actually ironed it on to the appropriate colors of fabric that you see above I took pause to do some cooking.  I made a pot of beans from dried beans.  I made home made enchilada sauce, cooked some rice, cooked some chicken and then assembled some chicken enchiladas and cheese enchilada's into individual meals for hubby and I.  

Then there was the clean up.  Whew.   I didn't take a picture of that - but I have been called Hurricane Jane when I cook if that helps to give you a visual.  LOL.  So when I was done with that I did some other housekeeping chores and hit the shower.  By the time I was done with that, Hubby was home and we dug into our little meals.  Yes they were good - and yes we have left overs. 

After lunch I took a little nap before doing the fusing  that is pictured above and was able to get part of a house strip fused before I called it quits for the night. 

It's my plan to work on it more tomorrow - and hopefully I can get the rest of the fusing done. 
Hope you've had a great day

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Embroidery Machine - Practice +

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