Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Retreat Reporting

As Always I had so much fun. I never now how it's going to go, sometimes I get lots done and sometimes not so I always bring a dozen things to work and then see how it goes. 
First off I finished the binding on Winter Star by Jan Patek, and put the eyes on him. This is my OMG (One monthly goal at elm street quilts) project for the month which I will be linking up. 

Take me to the OMG Finish Link-up
You can't see it very well, but if you zoom in I did a bunch of quilting of holly and snowflakes.  Next I did the snowman runner that Gloria had given me the pattern for at the last retreat.  

Yay got it done even the hand stitching of binding.
Next I worked on the applique for the Umbrella quilt which is to help with my purple scraps.

I don't know how well you can see but the umbrella itself is a very dark purple. This is only the top but was glad to get it done.  
After that I worked on the setting blocks for "Twas the night before Christmas".  
I have the Santa 1/2 done and then need to do the lettering in the bottom right corner. So this is as much as I could do. 

Now I'm really wanting to get the embroidery done so I can put it all together. I think it's going to be my next UFO to work on. 

Next I worked on some charm square tote bags.  I had two charm packs that by themselves couldn't make anything - so I used them for this. Of course I adjusted them a little.  I boxed the bottom, and then added a closure tab. I will probably use some velcro and a decorative button.
I was able to get two totes out of each pack and there were even a couple left over so with the second one I made one wider and one tall and skinny.  It had a boo boo that I had to fix so it's not pictured yet.
 I didn't win a door prize or any of the guessing games but it was  productive and fun.  Oh and yes we did eat a lot as always. 
Remember this room from the last retreat? This was where we went to eat because there was 117 of us.
And here is part of one of our buffets.  This meal is called Club House BBQ. Chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, green salad, coleslaw, jo jo potatoes, chili, baked beans, cheese sauce and cookies.  That was one meal.  
And then the breakfast buffets.  I've found that even a little bit of several things is a lot.

So what was dinner,  One night we split a spaghetti and pasta dish and one night a veggie pizza. 

Here is the room. Will go from right to left, from back of the room.  Right side below.
 Middle below.
Left below.

My place and my sweet friend Gloria.
Well I  have 4 weeks until my next retreat.  It will be back in the little room only 30 of us at that one.  However, I have something going on every weekend from now through the end of March so I'm sure I'm not going to get bored. Let's just hope I can get some stuff done also. 
Now I need to go cut out some strips for a workshop tonight.
Have a Blessed day - 


  1. Snowman is so cute! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  2. Like the way that little snowman sits in the pieced block with additional appliqué in the corners. Wow -- you sound really busy. Hope it is all fun stuff.


Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...