Sunday, June 30, 2019

Cattails and Dragonflies

I have two frog quilts that are on my short list of things I want to get accomplished this summer. This one is called "On Point Frog Quilt". 
Isn't the backing fabric cute.  
 I was trying to figure out what I wanted to quilt on it and thought about cattails.  I looked for some free motion quilting of cattails and after finding one I liked and doodled a few times, I made a little sandwich and practiced it. 

That worked out pretty well so I started on the quilt.  
It's a little hard to see - can you find the dragonfly and the cattails?
I don't know the proper name for the design I used in the border its like a herringbone with a little loop on each side.  

After dinner I helped Caleb more with his reading and workbooks, then we went to a firework display that was put on.  It ended up being a really nice show.

Even Pumpkin enjoyed the show.  She's not like some dogs that hate the sounds of fireworks... she sat through the whole thing with no problems. 

We were up later than usual but well worth it.  

Friday, June 28, 2019

Another Bee Finish and a Wolf

It didn't take much to finish the rest of the bee and flower quilt.  I did the borders and then machine bound. I just did simple flowers in the border to match the rest of the quilt. 

Here is the label I made for it. 
Today was also day 2 of Caleb's visit.  I took him to my Friday sewing day and he did pretty good.  He said he would try some stitching and he was able to get a wolf head done. 
Here is a close up of it.  He did a really good job for his first time stitching. 
Maybe we'll take a little more next time just in case.   :)
Hope you all had a great day - Blessings,

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Flowers Bee's and Pea Pods

Fun and productive.  Those two words don't always go together but it's nice when they do and that was yesterday.  This was towards the end of my day but I really want to show it first.  I am making this for my first Mother in law, and the colors just seemed bright and spring like so flowers and bees were my pick.
The center is done and now I just need to do the borders.
Here are a few close ups.  I'm feeling way more confident with my free motion quilting - can you tell? 

I got the idea for this by searching for free motion panto-graph motifs.  

Then I did some practice. 
I have a couple of errands to run today - but later this afternoon, I'll be tackling the border.  I haven't totally decided what I want to do in them, but I'll figure it out.
To back up a little, yesterday morning was the SNR guilds last workshop for this season.  We made little zipper purses called Pea Pods. 

Two 10" squares of fabric, a 10" square of fusible fleece and a 16+"  zipper will make two pods. They only use one side of the zipper.  If I can find some zipper pulls that work, I can make some more of them. Not sure what I'll do with them but they are kinda cute. I could make them and then donate for them to be sold at the quilt show boutique.  I'll have to think about that. 
Well I better go get ready so I can head out in about an hour. 
Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June OMG Finish

It has been a few months since I remembered to link up to One Monthly Goal over at Elm Street Quilts. But this month I did and I am happy that I was able to finish. 
My OMG for June was to finish this wool table mat "Summer" for my friend Cheryl. 
The pattern said to back and bind it with homespun, however I had some really nice wooly flannel and used that. It's hard to see, but I hand quilted the back to the top in between the sections to hold it in place. I even made bias binding, which I don't normally do, but it worked well. 

Now I'm going to link up to One Monthly Goal. 
Have a Blessed Day! 

Friday, June 21, 2019

CRQ 2019 Retreat

The retreat came and went and now it's time to gather up the pieces and figure out where I'm at and what to do next.  
But before I try to figure that all out - you want to hear about the retreat don't you?  the is a new venue for our retreat, and even though no one knew if it would work, I think it worked pretty well.  
The room was huge, and gave everyone lots of room.  

This Was our table.   Gloria and Cheryl are sitting down and my chair it there at the right of the picture.   

Those are the blocks that I made - then I bordered and added the sashing. Here is my progress as of day 2 of retreat.
 Here is my friend Desiree and her cute quilt with mice on it. 
Here's Annette and her quilt top.
Here is my quilt with the final sashing on.  I am now going to put another pieced border on it, so that got put aside for a while.  Cheryl is going to bring me a bin of red, white and blue fabric to make sure I have enough for the block border.  I'll starting cutting that out in a couple of days.  
Next I worked on my patriotic friendship stars.  I had 6 to start and got 12 more done and 4 half done, before we had to leave.  I think I have 36 cut out so about 20ish to go :). 
It was a fun retreat and the new venue seemed to work just fine.  
Now to unpack and get re-focused on what needs to be done. 
Have a Blessed day!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Summer is Coming Along

Friday and yesterday was all about slow stitching. I'm working on my wool table mat "Summer" from Primative Gatherings. I listed it as my One Monthly Goal so I need to get hustling on it, and I am. 
Here was where I started it at:

Here's what I got done on Friday:

And I continued yesterday and got this done.
With the retreat starting tomorrow, It might be a few days before I can get some serious progress done on it again.
Today I need to prep a wool teddy bear on a block for my friend Gloria's granddaughter.  She was doing some embroidery and not too fond of it, however Cheryl made up a wool block for her and she liked it a lot more.  She did a Giraffe for her Mother, but when I asked she said she liked Teddy Bears.  So I will make her a block to do.  Here's the patter picture. 
Here's the wool block I made.
 Here's a close up of the face. 

Next up for today I want to get some labels made for the quilts I got done so I can get them in the mail next week. 

And of course I need to triple check I have everything ready for the retreat.  I can't get in until 9am so I'll have plenty of time in the morning too.  
Hope you're having a Blessed Day!

Embroidery Machine - Practice +

 I signed up for the Kimberbell mystery block of the month to give me practice with my new embroidery machine.  Here are the January blocks ...