Isn't the backing fabric cute.
I was trying to figure out what I wanted to quilt on it and thought about cattails. I looked for some free motion quilting of cattails and after finding one I liked and doodled a few times, I made a little sandwich and practiced it.
That worked out pretty well so I started on the quilt.
It's a little hard to see - can you find the dragonfly and the cattails?
I don't know the proper name for the design I used in the border its like a herringbone with a little loop on each side.
After dinner I helped Caleb more with his reading and workbooks, then we went to a firework display that was put on. It ended up being a really nice show.
Even Pumpkin enjoyed the show. She's not like some dogs that hate the sounds of fireworks... she sat through the whole thing with no problems.

We were up later than usual but well worth it.