Friday, June 21, 2019

CRQ 2019 Retreat

The retreat came and went and now it's time to gather up the pieces and figure out where I'm at and what to do next.  
But before I try to figure that all out - you want to hear about the retreat don't you?  the is a new venue for our retreat, and even though no one knew if it would work, I think it worked pretty well.  
The room was huge, and gave everyone lots of room.  

This Was our table.   Gloria and Cheryl are sitting down and my chair it there at the right of the picture.   

Those are the blocks that I made - then I bordered and added the sashing. Here is my progress as of day 2 of retreat.
 Here is my friend Desiree and her cute quilt with mice on it. 
Here's Annette and her quilt top.
Here is my quilt with the final sashing on.  I am now going to put another pieced border on it, so that got put aside for a while.  Cheryl is going to bring me a bin of red, white and blue fabric to make sure I have enough for the block border.  I'll starting cutting that out in a couple of days.  
Next I worked on my patriotic friendship stars.  I had 6 to start and got 12 more done and 4 half done, before we had to leave.  I think I have 36 cut out so about 20ish to go :). 
It was a fun retreat and the new venue seemed to work just fine.  
Now to unpack and get re-focused on what needs to be done. 
Have a Blessed day!

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