Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Charity Bears and More

Tonight is the last guild meeting for the season for the small guild I belong to - SNR  aka Stitch N Rippits.  So I thought I'd try and finish up the little charity quilt that I brought home to quilt a couple weeks ago.  And it actually went really quick.  
Hard to see unless you zoom, but I put a couple clouds in the sky, did texture in the ground, echo'd in tan and green area and loops in the blue squares.
So once I was done with that I thought I would start in on the lap quilt I want to make for my first Mother in law.  She said she likes pastels.  It went together quickly so I got it pinned ready to quilt.  
Then I did the remaining side left of the hand stitching of binding on the flag quilt for my Daughter in law. It's a lot bigger than I intended it to be so had a hard time figuring out where to hang for a picture. 
That was it for last night.  Today I'm working on a fabric and fleece throw for my grandson in law and then a pillowcase dress for my Great Granddaughter.  Tonight's the meeting so I think that will be enough for today but if I still have time I'll pin another quilt.
Have a Blessed day!

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