Thursday, June 6, 2019

Day on Day off

After I got the quilting done on the flag quilt on Monday - 
and after dinner, I cut and sewed the binding on.  I didn't get a picture of that, but I will once the binding is hand sewn.  I need to find a better place to hang quilts to take pictures of them. 
Tuesday I was on fire.  I did some house cleaning, then I pin basted 4 quilts so that I had them ready to go.  (Even started quilting.  :)
Next up on the quilting schedule - Carter's Minecraft quilt.
Then my Bag Ladies.

This one is a charity one that I brought home from the cottage.  

And my Bee Quilt.  

Then I plugged in my headphones and started in on Minecraft.  Since it's pixel squares I am mostly doing stitch in the ditch and a little echo quilting on it.  I got about 3/4 of it done before I stopped on Tuesday.   
Wednesday - well that was another story.  As if it wasn't bad enough to have a bruised tailbone that I'm dealing with, I fell and hit my head and bruised my ribs so Wednesday was a day off. I laid on the couch all day, and watched NCIS reruns.  So day on fire Tuesday - day off on Wednesday.  Today, yes still sore, I'm going to see if I can do a little more quilting on the Minecraft quilt, if not maybe some hand stitching on binding. I'll let you know how I do. 
Have a blessed day!

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